XXXX Voted Against Reducing Bush Tax Cuts to Fund Education and Deficit Reduction. XXXX voted against an amendment that would “scale back the dividend tax cut and not accelerate other income tax reductions and use the money for deficit reduction and education aid to low-income families. Proponents said deficit reduction and education aid should be higher priorities than tax cuts. Opponents argued that the cuts would help the economy and ultimately lead to more revenue.” [Vote 174, 5/15/03; States News Service, 5/16/03] XXXX Voted For A 25% Cut In the Capital Gains Tax For Selling Undeveloped Land to Charity. XXXX voted for an amendment allowing a 25 percent reduction in the capital gains tax for the sale of undeveloped land to a charitable organization, regardless of whether the sale was for conservation purposes. XXXX was one of only 14 Republicans to vote in favor of the amendment. [Vote 127, 4/9/03] 2005 XXXX Voted Against Restoring Millionaire Tax Bracket to Pre-2003 Level. In November 2005, XXXX voted against restoring the so-called millionaire’s tax bracket of 39.6% and raising tax rates on capital gains and dividends to the 28% level that existed before 2003. “I have never had a millionaire come to me and say: ‘I need a tax break,’” said sponsor Sen. Dianne Feinstein. “So I wonder, when we are cutting Medicaid, when we are cutting virtually every domestic program we can cut, why millionaires get $100,000 in tax breaks a year. It does not make sense.” [Vote 333, 11/17/05; Washington Times, 11/18/05; Aberdeen American News, 11/20/05] Robrets Voted to Give Reconciliation Protection to Tax Cuts. In March 2005, XXXX voted against an amendment that would strike language in the resolution that would give reconciliation protection to tax cuts. [S Con Res 18, Vote 59, 3/17/05] 2006 XXXX Supported Initial Version of $60 Billion Tax Cut Plan. In November 2005, XXXX voted for the initial Senate version of a $60 billion tax cut bill that passed 64-33. The Senate bill passed after Republicans appeased moderates by agreeing not to extend a tax break on capital gains and dividends. [Vote 347, 11/18/05; Knight Ridder, 11/19/05]  XXXX Rejected $58 Billion Middle-Class Tax Cut Alternative. In November 2005, XXXX voted against a $58 billion tax cut package that would have extended expiring tax cuts, including the research and development credit and college tuition deduction, and granted alternative minimum tax relief to working families. “For those who say they care about fiscal responsibility, for those who say they are concerned about the explosion of deficits and debt, here is a chance to prove it,” Senator Kent Conrad said of his tax plan. “Here is a chance to vote for this amendment that will extend the tax provisions that are expiring this year for next year’s taxes, and to pay for it by closing abusive tax shelters.” [Vote 330, 11/17/05; Conrad Press Release, 11/17/05] XXXX Voted for $70 Billion Tax Package Compromise in 2006. In February 2006, XXXX voted for the revised version of the tax reconciliation bill he had supported in November 2005. By February, the bill included $70 billion in tax cuts, including AMT relief and extenders for the popular tax cuts like the college tuition deduction. [Vote 10, 2/2/06; CQ Today, 2/2/06]  XXXX Voted Against A Non-Binding Resolution Prioritizing Middle-Class Tax Cuts Over Tax Cuts for the Wealthy. In February 2006, XXXX voted against amending the $70 billion tax reconciliation bill to express the senate of the Senate that middle-class alternative minimum tax relief should be a higher priority than extending low rates on capital gains and dividends that benefit wealthier Americans. [Vote 9, 2/2/06; CQ Today, 2/2/06] XXXX Twice Voted to Force Capital Gains Tax Cut Extension. In February 2006, XXXX twice voted to urge negotiators of the 2006 tax reconciliation bill to include the House-passed, two-year extension of the dividends and 263

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