care and screening services for women and to retain previous mammogram guidelines in its health care overhaul bill. The amendment would eliminate co-payments for many preventive services for women, requiring instead that insurers provide full coverage for screenings and other such care. It also includes a provision from David Vitter, R- La., that would prevent the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force’s most recent recommendations on breast cancer screening from being used for coverage determinations. The amendment passed 61-39. [CQ Today, 12/03/09; Vote 355, 12/03/09] XXXX Voted Against Providing an Additional $100 Million for Programs to Promote Safe and Stable Families. In 2003, XXXX voted against a measure that would have provided an additional $100 million for programs to promote safe and stable families, and an additional $18 million for independent living vouchers. The amendment would provide an additional $100 million for the Administration on Children and Families for programs that promote safe and stable families, and an additional $18 million for independent living vouchers. [Vote 341, 9/10/03] XXXX Voted Against Providing Greater Cover For U.S. Public Health And Environmental Laws From Legal Challenges By Foreign Investors. In 2002, XXXX voted against an amendment providing greater cover for U.S. public health and environmental laws from legal challenges by foreign investors. The amendment would make it more difficult for foreign trading partners to prevail in trade disputes claiming U.S. health or environmental laws constituted a trade barrier. The amendment stemmed from a lawsuit being pursued by Canada's Methanex against the ban on methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) use in gasoline. Methanex, the world's largest producer of methanol -- which is a chief component of MTBE -- claimed $970 million in compensation from the US government under NAFTA, which protected foreign investors when they invest in member countries Canada, Mexico, and the US. Opponents said the amendment would encourage foreign governments to retaliate against US companies. [HR 3009, Vote 121, 5/21/02; Environment and Energy Daily, 5/22/02; Oil Daily, 5/22/02] XXXX Voted Against a Needle Exchange Program. In November 2001, XXXX voted against an amendment that would strike language in the bill that prohibits the use of any federal funds in the bill for any needle exchange programs. The amendment would insert language to prohibit the use of federal or local funds for needle exchange programs. [HR 2944, Vote 328, 11/7/01] XXXX Voted For A Measure To Prohibit Funding For Needle Exchange Programs. In 2000, Robets voted for the District of Columbia Appropriations Bill for fiscal year 2001. The conference report banned the use of federal funds for the implementation of the District’s Domestic Partners Act and any needle exchange program for drug addicts. [Vote 289, 10/27/00] XXXX Voted to Prohibit Funds for Needle Exchange Programs. In 1999, XXXX voted for H.R.2587, the Fiscal Year 2000 District of Columbia Appropriations conference report, which included $17 million for a program to allow students from the District of Columbia to pay in-state tuition rates at public colleges and universities not in the District of Columbia, and provisions to prohibit the District of Columbia from spending federal, local or private funds on needle exchange programs, to legalize marijuana or reduce marijuana penalties. [Vote 279, 9/16/99] XXXX Voted To Increase Funding For Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Prevention. In 2000, XXXX voted for an amendment that would increase the earmark for the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome prevention and services grant program by $10 million, for a total of $25 million. The amendment was agreed to, 98-1. [Vote 152, 6/28/00] XXXX Voted For Health Savings Accounts. In 2001, XXXX voted for Health Savings Accounts. The amendment XXXX voted for would express the sense of the Senate that “a patient’s bill of rights should remove the restrictions on the private-sector medical savings account demonstration program to make medical savings accounts available to more Americans.” [S 1052, Vote 216, 6/29/01] XXXX Voted Against Increasing Funding for School-Based Mental Health Personnel. In 1999, XXXX voted to kill the Wellstone amendment to S.254, which was an amendment to authorize $340 million per year for five years for states and localities to recruit, train, and hire 141,000 additional school-based mental health personnel. [Vote 128, 5/19/99] 189

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