million acres of non-wilderness in the coastal plain region of the refuge. The substitute amendment would overhaul the nation's energy policies, restructure the electricity system and provide for $16.04 billion in energy-related tax incentives. It also would direct the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to set a new CAFE standard within 15 months. [S 517, Vote 71, 4/18/02] XXXX Opposed Using ANWR Revenues to Help Steelworkers. In 2002, XXXX voted to oppose a new fund using government profits from ANWR development to help former steel workers keep their health retirement benefits and to help steel companies consolidate and retool in order to be able to make the type of steel pipe needed to build a gas pipeline from Northern Alaska to the lower 48 States. The cloture motion was rejected, 36-64. [S 517, Vote 70, 4/18/02] XXXX Voted to Confirm Gale Norton As Secretary Of The Interior. In 2001, XXXX voted for the nomination of Gale A. Norton, of Colorado, to be Secretary of Interior. Norton’s nomination was strongly opposed by environmentalists for her work as a lobbyist for NL Industries working on lead paint issues, her support for drilling for oil in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), and her support of changing land-use rules for national monuments, which would allow more oil and gas drilling. Sierra Club executive director Carl Pope said Norton “would be a natural disaster as Interior Secretary.” [Vote 6, 1/30/01;;] XXXX Voted Against An Amendment To Strike Assumed Revenues From ANWR Oil Exploration. In 2000, XXXX voted for against an amendment that would strike the assumed revenue of $1.2 billion for FY 2005 to be gained from leasing for oil exploration and production in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). The motion to table was agreed to, 51-49. [Vote 58, 4/6/00] XXXX Voted Against Insuring Federal Royalties for Alaskan Oil. In 1999, XXXX cast a crucial vote for the Hutchison amendment to H.R.2466, which was an amendment to prevent the Minerals Management Service from implementing a proposed new oil royalty valuation system to increase royalties to fair-market value for drilling on federal lands until September 30, 2000. [Vote 290, 9/23/99] XXXX Did Not Vote on Bill To Allow Export of Crude Oil from Alaska. In 1995, XXXX did not vote on the S.395 conference report, which authorized the sale of two federal hydroelectric dams in Alaska to the state and local utilities, lifted the 22-year-old ban on the export of crude oil produced on Alaska’s North Slope, and waived some federal royalty payments for oil and gas companies involved in deep-water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. [Vote 574, 11/14/95] XXXX Did Not Vote On Bill To Allow Drilling in ANWR. In 1995, XXXX did not vote on a motion to kill the Baucus amendment to S.1357, which was an amendment to strike provisions in the bill allowing for oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. [Vote 525, 10/27/95] XXXX Did Not Vote On Bill to Allow Drilling in ANWR. In 1995, XXXX did not vote on a motion to kill the Roth amendment to S.Con.Res.13, which was an amendment to prohibit oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. [Vote 190, 5/24/95] Other Oil Drilling: XXXX Voted to Implement 2008 Offshore Drilling Plan, Allow New Oil and Gas Leases on Outer Continental Shelf. In 2012, XXXX voted for an amendment that would provide for implementation of a 2008 offshore drilling plan. It would allow new oil and gas leases throughout the outer continental shelf. The amendment was rejected by a vote of 43-55. [S.1813, Vote #28, 3/8/12] XXXX Did Not Vote on Bill To Keep An Increase In Oil Company Taxes Going To Oil Spill Liability Fund From Being Counted As A Budget Offset. In June 2010, XXXX did not vote on a Vitter, R-La., amendment no. 4312 to the Baucus, D-Mont., substitute amendment no. 4301. The Vitter amendment would prevent funds generated by an increase in taxes on oil companies for the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund from being counted as an offset for purposes of the Budget Act or the 2010 pay-as-you-go law. The substitute would extend several expired 103

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