XXXX voted to gut the program by requiring the Secretary of Energy to declare that the bill would not raise gas prices or increase dependency on foreign oil before the provisions could be implemented. After his attempt to gut the measure failed, XXXX then voted in favor of the whole tax package. [Vote 222, 6/21/07; Vote 223, 6/21/07; Dow Jones, 6/19/07; AP, 6/19/07; Chicago Tribune, 6/21/07; The Hill, 6/22/07]  Top Committee Republican Agreed That Oil and Gas Tax Package is The Way to Go. The penalties for big oil and gas companies earned bipartisan support, Sen. Chuck Grassley, the Finance Committee’s top Republican, said, “We have entered a new era in energy markets...(that) requires a dramatic shift away from tax incentives for oil and gas production” and toward support for other energy sources and efficiency. [AP, 6/19/07] *hyperlink does not work XXXX Voted Against Extending Renewable Energy Tax Credit. In March 2006, XXXX voted against extending the renewable energy production tax credit for four years. The budget amendment XXXX opposed also would have also provided $4 billion for LIHEAP and other energy and conservation programs. [Vote 42, 3/14/06; Albuquerque Tribune, 3/15/06] XXXX Voted Against Increasing Reliance on Renewable Energy. In 2005, XXXX voted against an amendment that mandated renewable energy sources produce at least 10 percent of the electricity sold by electric utilities by 2020, and that a minimum of 2.5 percent must be produced beginning 2008 through 2011. [Vote 141, 6/16/05; Albuquerque Tribune, 6/17/05] XXXX Voted Against Wind Power. In 2005, XXXX voted against an amendment to the Energy Bill that barred federal subsidies for all wind power projects that fell within 20 miles of “high scenic areas. [Vote 150, 6/22/05] XXXX Voted Against Renewable Fuel Requirements. In 2004, XXXX voted to kill a bill that required that gasoline sold or introduced into the United States contain renewable fuel in specific amounts, beginning with 3.1 billion gallons in 2005 and increasing each year to 5 billion gallons in 2012. [Vote 73, 4/29/04] XXXX Voted for a Bill to Increase Sales of Hydrogen-Powered Vehicles, With Goal of 2.5 Million Sold Annually By 2020. In 2003, XXXX voted for a bill that would have required the Department of Energy to establish targets and timelines to support the production of 100,000 hydrogen-powered vehicles by 2010 and 2.5 million vehicles annually by 2020. It also required the department to establish targets for the sale of hydrogen at fueling stations and require the Energy secretary to submit an annual progress report to Congress [Vote 212, 6/10/03] XXXX Voted Against Mandating Use of Ethanol or Renewable Fuels; Required Refineries To Use 5 Billion Gallons Annually By 2012. In 2003, XXXX voted against requiring gasoline refineries to use 5 billion gallons of ethanol or other alternative renewable fuels annually by 2012, phase out the use of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) and eliminate a requirement that gasoline sold in regions with high levels of air pollution contain 2 percent oxygen by volume. [S 14, Vote 209, 6/5/03; Des Moines Register, 6/6/03] XXXX Voted Against Increasing Liability Standards for Renewable Fuels and Ethanol; Renewables Would Have Same Standards as Any Other Fuel. XXXX voted against requiring that a renewable fuel used for motor vehicles or a fuel containing a renewable additive be subject to liability standards equal to or greater than those used for any other fuel or fuel additive. Iowa Senators Harkin and Grassley also voted against the amendment. The Frist amendment would require gasoline refineries to use 5 billion gallons of ethanol or other alternative renewable fuels annually by 2012, phase out the use of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) and eliminate a requirement that gasoline sold in regions with high levels of air pollution contain 2 percent oxygen by volume. [S 14, Vote 208, 6/5/03] XXXX Supported Alternative Fuel Motor Vehicle Tax Credit. In 2002, XXXX voted against a bill that would remove the alternative fuel motor vehicle tax incentives of the Energy Bill. Specifically, the amendment would strike the new qualified alternative fuel motor vehicle tax credit, the new hybrid motor vehicle tax credit, the new qualified fuel cell motor vehicle tax credit, and the extension of the present law tax credit for electric vehicles. The amendment failed, 91-8. [S 517, Vote 91, 4/25/02] 112

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