XXXX Voted Against An Amendment To Increase Funding To Fight Global AIDS By $800 Million, Devote $800 Million To Deficit Reduction. In 2003, XXXX voted against increasing by $800 million funding to fight AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria around the world. The vote was on an amendment that would increase funding by $800 million on global AIDS treatment and prevention and programs to fight tuberculosis and malaria. It also would include $800 million for deficit reduction. The spending would be offset by a reduction in tax cuts. [Vote 104, 3/26/03] XXXX Voted Against Conditioning Indonesia’s Participation in the International Military Education and Training (IMET) Program on Fighting Terrorism. In 2003, XXXX voted against restricting Indonesian participation in the International Military Education and Training (IMET) program until the president certifies that Indonesia is sufficiently working to combat terrorism and is taking action against those responsible for an Oct. 12 terrorist attack in Bali. Indonesia would still be allowed to participate in the Expanded IMET program. [Vote 19, 1/23/03] XXXX Voted Against $600 Million for African Famine Relief. In 2003, XXXX voted against $600 million in famine relief funds for Africa if the president designates the situation an emergency. [Vote 17, 1/22/03] XXXX Voted To Double Funding For The UN Fund To Fight HIV/AIDS. In 2002, XXXX voted to double to $200 million funding for fighting AIDS overseas. The amendment would increase the appropriation for the United Nations Child Survival and Health Programs Fund from $100 million to $200 million and would add an emergency designation. The $200 million would only be used for programs for the prevention, treatment, and control of, and research on, HIV/AIDS, and special emphasis would be given to aid directed at the prevention of transmission of HIV/AIDS from mother to child, including medications to prevent such transmission. A Democratic effort to boost the total to $500 million was rejected 49- 46. [HR 4775, Vote 142, 6/6/02; Associated Press, 6/7/02] XXXX Voted Against Considering An Amendment To Increase Funding To $500 Million For A UN Fund To Fight AIDS. In 2002, XXXX voted an amendment that would increase the appropriation for the United Nations Child Survival and Health Programs Fund from $100 million to $500 million, and would add an emergency designation in order to permit all of the spending to be deficit spending instead of within the budget. The motion was rejected, 46-49. [HR 4775, Vote 141, 6/6/02] XXXX Voted against A Bill In Support Of NATO Expansion. In 2002, XXXX voted against the Freedom Consolidation Act (H.R. 3167). The bill expressed Congress' support for the continued expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance (NATO) and authorized assistance to certain nations in furtherance of that end. Additionally, it authorized a total of $55.5 million in foreign military financing under the Arms Export Control Act for the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania) and for Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, and Romania. The bill passed, 85-6. [HR 3167, Vote 116, 5/17/02] XXXX Voted Against $164 Million For Counter-Narcotics Programs In Latin America. In 2001, XXXX voted against increasing funding for Plan Colombia, the counter-narcotics programs in Latin America, by $164 million, from $567 million to Bush’s requested amount of $731 million. [HR 2506, Vote 311, 10/24/01; Congressional Quarterly Daily Monitor, 10/21/01] XXXX Voted Against Invoking Cloture on the 2002 Foreign Operations Bill. In October 2001, XXXX voted against a motion to to invoke cloture (thus limiting debate) on the motion to proceed to the bill that would appropriate $15.5 billion in fiscal year 2002 for foreign operations. [HR 2506, Vote 306, 10/23/01] XXXX Voted to Underfund Foreign Operation Appropriations Act. In 1999, XXXX cast crucial vote for the underfunded Foreign Operation Appropriations Act. [Vote 312, 10/6/99] SANCTIONS XXXX Did Not Vote to Extend Sanctions On Myanmar. In June 2004, XXXX did not vote for a joint resolution that would extend for one year import restrictions on products from Myanmar until the president certifies that the 133

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