(IDEA). XXXX voted against an amendment to reduce the resolution’s tax cut by $70 billion to ensure IDEA receives the necessary funding for special education. [H Con Res 83, Vote 82, 4/5/01] XXXX Voted for Special Ed. Funding In The FY 2001 Labor, HHS, And Education Appropriations Bill. In 2000, XXXX voted for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill for fiscal year 2001 (H.R. 4577). The bill included $6.267 billion for Head Start (a $1 billion increase), $642 million will be for the Safe and Drug Free Schools Program, and $7.352 billion for special education (through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; an increase of $1.316 billion). The bill passed, 52-43. [Vote 171, 6/30/00] XXXX Opposed Raising Special Education Funding By $8.75 Billion, To Fully Cover Federal Commitment to IDEA. In 2000, XXXX voted against of increasing funding of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandates by $8.75 billion, which would bring federal funding up to approximately 40 percent of the costs of the mandate. The vote was on waiving the Budget Act for the consideration of the Harkin amendment to the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill for fiscal year 2001. [Vote 170, 6/30/00] XXXX Cast Crucial Vote for an Amendment to Increase Funding for Students With Disabilities (IDEA). In 2000, XXXX voted for an amendment that would increase the amount appropriated to pay the Federal share of the costs of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) by another $1.3 billion (the bill will provide a $1.3 billion increase), and would fully pay for that increase by decreasing funding for Title VI innovative education grants by the same amount. The motion to table was agreed to, 51-47. [Vote 159, 6/28/00] XXXX Voted Against Killing An Amendment To Make Funding 40% Of IDEA Mandates Congress’ Top Priority. In 2000, XXXX voted for an amendment that would express the sense of the Senate that Congress' first priority should be to pay 40 percent of the costs of the IDEA mandates (as it originally promised) before it appropriates funds for any new Federal education programs. [Vote 72, 4/7/00] XXXX Voted to Shift Funds For ESA Tax Breaks To IDEA. In 2000, XXXX voted to deny the proposed education savings account tax breaks and would instead increase funding for part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) by $1.2 billion. The motion was rejected, 44-54. [Vote 15, 2/29/00] XXXX Voted Against Reducing Class Size and Increasing Funding for Special Education. In 1999, XXXX voted to kill the Murray amendment to S.280, which was an amendment to authorize $11.4 billion over six years to fund President Clinton’s proposal to hire 100,000 new teachers to reduce class size. [Vote 41, 3/11/99] XXXX Voted Against $762 Million for Special Education Programs. In 1998, XXXX voted against a motion to waive the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to permit consideration of the Dodd amendment to H.R.2646, which was an amendment to remove the bill’s education savings account language and direct that any revenue generated by other provisions of the bill be used to fund special education programs under IDEA. [Vote 98, 4/23/98] SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION XXXX Opposed $1 Billion for School Construction Projects. In 2003, XXXX voted against providing an additional $1 billion for school construction projects through the Fund for the Improvement of Education. [Vote 329, 9/5/03] XXXX Voted To Cut School Construction Funding To Pay Existing Education Commitments. In 2001, XXXX voted for an amendment to the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill for fiscal year 2002 that would provide that all of the $925 million that this bill will appropriate for the unauthorized school renovation and repair program, and any unexpended sums from the $1.2 billion that was provided for that unauthorized program last year, would have to be used to meet existing Federal commitments to renovate and repair Indian schools, Department of Defense schools, and Impact Aid 73

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