XXXX Voted To Prohibit Funds In Unemployment Extension Be Used For Federal Action Against Arizona Immigration Laws. In July 2010, XXXX voted for a DeMint, R-S.C., motion to suspend Rule 22 to permit the consideration of a DeMint motion to commit the bill to the Judiciary Committee with instructions that it be reported back with language that would provide that no funds may be used for any federal legal action to invalidate certain Arizona state immigration laws. [Vote 214, 7/21/10] 2007 Immigration Bill XXXX Voted Against Debating Immigration Issue. XXXX voted against debating the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007. [Vote 173, 5/21/07] XXXX Voted To Kill Immigration Reform. On June 7, 2007 XXXX voted to kill the 2007 comprehensive immigration reform bill, which aimed to overhaul immigration policy while implementing tougher border security measures. It would have allocated some green cards on a merit-based system based on certain criteria. It also would have mandated that half of the green cards be allocated based on family relations. It created a temporary guest worker program that allowed workers to remain in the United States for up to six years, provided that they returned to their home country for a year after every two years they remained in the United States. [Vote 203, 6/7/07] XXXX Voted Against Debating Immigration Issue For Second Time. On June 26, 2007 XXXX voted against debating immigration reform for a second time. XXXX voted against the motion to proceed to debate on the issue. [Vote 228, 6/26/07] XXXX Voted Against Final Chance to Pass Immigration Reform. On June 28, 2007, XXXX voted against invoking cloture on the bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform bill. [Vote 235, 6/28/07]  XXXX Voted to Preserve Temporary Worker Plan. XXXX voted against an amendment offered by Byron Dorgan to remove a guest-worker program from the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007. The vote preserved a plan to allow workers to stay for up to three, two-year stints, provided that they leave the US for one year between each stay. The amendment was rejected by a vote of 64-31. [AP, 5/23/07; Vote 174, 5/22/07]  XXXX Voted To Deny Path to Citizenship for Illegal Aliens. XXXX voted for an amendment introduced by David Vitter that would have denied illegal immigrants who were previously in the United States a path to citizenship. The amendment was rejected by the Senate 66-29. [AP, 5/25/07; Vote 180, 5/24/07]  XXXX Voted To Force Local Law Enforcement to Report Illegal Immigrants. XXXX voted in favor of an amendment that would have allowed local law enforcement officers to question individuals about their immigration status if there was probable cause to believe the individual lacked legal status. The amendment was proposed to counter local laws in many major cities that prevent law enforcement officials from contacting ICE to report illegal immigrants. Opponents of the amendment claimed that it would have drastically increased the amount of unreported crimes in immigrant communities, giving people no legal redress for their problems. [Vote 177, 5/24/07; Los Angeles Times, 5/25/07; Investors Business Day, 6/6/07] 2006 Immigration Bill XXXX Opposed 2006 Senate Immigration Bill. In May 2006, XXXX voted against the bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform bill in the Senate. The bill would have strengthened border security, established a guest-worker program, and provided the means for millions of illegal immigrants to stay in the country and possibly become citizens. Opponents labeled the bill as “amnesty.” [Vote 157, 5/25/06; Vote 144, 5/24/06; Washington Post, 5/26/06] 219

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