economic growth, and aid to help New York City recover from the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. [HR 3090, Vote 44, 3/8/02] XXXX Voted For A “Compromise” Stimulus Measure To Provide Tax Cuts, Provide an Additional 13 Weeks of Unemployment Benefits and MSAs. In 2002, XXXX voted for an amendment that would extend business depreciation allowances, provide an additional 13 weeks of unemployment benefits for workers who had exhausted their unemployment benefits, and extend Archer Medical Savings Accounts for another year. It would also enact tax benefits to promote economic recovery in New York City, and provide extra Federal funding to states for Medicare. [HR 622, Vote 14, 2/6/02] XXXX Voted Against Extending Unemployment Benefits. In 2002, XXXX voted against a “$69 billion measure, stripped down from their previous proposals, that would extend unemployment benefits, provide tax breaks to individuals who did not earn enough to receive” the $300 per person rebate in 2001 and allow companies to write off some expenditures. “It would also give states more money to reimburse their Medicare expenses.” [HR 622, Vote 13, 2/6/02; Bloomberg News, 02/06/02] XXXX Opposed Extending Unemployment Benefits to Part-Time Workers. In 2002, XXXX voted against a motion to waive the Budget Act to consider an amendment that would have required states to provide unemployment benefits to former part-time workers who are seeking another part-time job through the end of 2002, and would provide a temporary supplement to unemployment insurance benefits of 15 percent or $25 per week, whichever is greater. [HR 622, Vote 6, 1/29/02] XXXX Voted Against Amendment to Benefit Laid-Off Airline Workers. In 2001, XXXX voted to kill an amendment to the Aviation Security bill that would have provided 20 weeks of unemployment and 12 months of health care benefits to laid-off airline workers after 9-11 terrorist attacks. [S 1447, Vote 293, 10/11/01; St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 10/12/01] XXXX Blocked Immediate Help for Those Who Lost Their Jobs After 9-11. In 2001, XXXX voted, not once but twice, against legislation to provide immediate help to those who have lost their jobs after 9-11. The first vote (Vote 337) would have designated spending contained in the Economic Stimulus bill, H.R. 3090, as “emergency spending.” By designating the money as “emergency spending”, the Senate could help provide immediate health care and unemployment benefits to those who have lost their jobs. The second vote (Vote 338) was a Democratic substitute bill, offered by Senator Baucus (D-MT) to provide immediate benefits. The Baucus bill would have provided:  Economic Security. $73 billion for economic stimulus measures in fiscal 2002 (including $14 billion for refund checks to taxpayers that did not receive refunds during the summer of 2001).  Unemployment and Health Care Benefits. $31 billion for unemployment and health care benefits for displaced workers and agriculture assistance.  Homeland Security Funds. $8 billion in fiscal 2002, and $15 billion over 10 years for homeland security, including bioterrorism, food safety, law enforcement and postal programs. The Baucus plan went down on a Republican point of order (to waive the Budget Act) that required 60 votes to defeat. The final vote was 51-47. [HR 3090, Vote 337, 11/14/01; Vote 338, 11/14/01] OSHA AND LABOR STANDARDS XXXX Voted Against Allowing Retaliation on Trading Partners Based On Labor And Environmental Standards. In 2002, XXXX voted against allowing retaliation against trading partners based on labor and environmental standards. The amendment McConnell voted to table would allow retaliation against a trading partner for exercising their right to set domestic standards for labor and the environment. [HR 3009, Vote 112, 5/15/02] 234

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