XXXX Voted for a Bill to Ban Discrimination Based on an Individual’s Genetic Profile. In 2003, XXXX voted for a bill to ban discrimination based on an individual’s genetic profile. The bill would ban employers and health insurers from discriminating based on an individual's genetic profile. Employers would be barred from using genetic information in employment decisions, and insurers would be prohibited from using genetic information to deny coverage or set or adjust premiums. [S 1053; 10/14/03, Vote 377] XXXX Voted to Create a “Do-Not-Call Registry.” In 2003, XXXX voted to create a “do not call” list. The vote was to pass a bill that would give the Federal Trade Commission explicit authority to create a “do not call” list, begin enforcing it October 1, 2003, and impose fines on violators. [HR 3161, 9/25/03, Vote 365] XXXX Opposed Eliminating Liability Protections for Makers of Vaccine Additives. XXXX, on November 19, 2002, voted against the amendment to H.R.5005, which was an amendment to eliminate from the bill liability protections for the makers of vaccine additives and retroactively limit the ability of people to sue companies that make them. This amendment would have also eliminated provisions to allow “the new department to contract with American companies that have moved off-shore to avoid paying taxes,” and it would have removed a provision to establish a new research center for Texas A&M University. “Sen. John McCain, R-AZ, was the sole Republican to vote to remove the provisions. ‘I’m too old to vote for this crap,’ he told reporters after the amendment failed. ‘It’s special deals for special interests. It sets a very dangerous precedent…’” [HR 5005, 11/19/02, Vote 245; United Press International, 11/19/02] XXXX Voted to Allow Financial Institutions to Impose an ATM Surcharge. In 1998, XXXX voted to kill the D’Amato amendment to S.1301, which was an amendment to prohibit financial institutions from imposing a surcharge -- a charge in addition to the interchange fee -- for the use of ATMs. [Vote 275, 9/17/98] Robert Voted to Allow Credit Card Companies from Terminating Customers Who Avoid Finance Charges. In 1998, XXXX voted to kill the Reed amendment to S.1301, which was an amendment to prohibit credit card companies from terminating or refusing to renew credit to consumers who avoid finance charges by paying off their balances. The amendment also would prohibit creditors from charging such consumers a fee in lieu of finance charges. [Vote 273, 9/17/98] XXXX Voted Against Applying FDA Conflict-Of-Interest Standards to Organizations Reviewing Medical Devices. In 1997, XXXX voted against applying FDA conflict-of-interest standards to outside organizations accredited to conduct reviews of medical devices. [Vote 252, 9/23/97] CLASS ACTION OVERHAUL XXXX Voted For Bill to Overhaul Class Action Litigation. In 2005, XXXX voted for a bill that would give federal courts jurisdiction over class action cases involving at least 100 plaintiffs if at least $5 million was at stake and two-thirds of the plaintiffs lived in different states. It would require judges to review all non-cash settlements, such as coupons for goods and services, and limit attorney's fees paid in such settlements. It also would prohibit federal judges from approving a net loss settlement without finding that the loss is outweighed by non-monetary benefits. [S 5, 2/10/05, Vote 9] XXXX Voted Against a Time Limit on Class Action Lawsuits. In 2005, XXXX voted against an amendment that would place a 60-day limit on the amount of time federal judges have to consider whether to send class action cases back to state courts. [S 5, 2/10/05, Vote 8] XXXX Voted Against Giving Federal Judges Wider Discretion on Jurisdiction. In 2005, XXXX voted against an amendment that would give federal judges additional discretion in deciding which state consumer protection laws to apply in class action suits where plaintiffs are from multiple states. [S 5, 2/9/05, Vote 7] 40

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