XXXX Voted Against Redirecting $850 Million For Programs Including 2002 Winter Olympics Security, Into Military Readiness And Personnel. In 2001, XXXX voted to table an effort to redirect almost $850 million from a variety of non-defense programs, including security for the 2002 Winter Olympics, into military readiness and personnel. The amendment would increase the amount appropriated for defense personnel accounts, operation and maintenance accounts, and procurement accounts by $847.8 million and would fully offset that increase by making rescissions in non-defense accounts. Non-defense programs that would be cut included $60 million in subsidies for job training and security preparations for the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. The vote was on a motion to table the McCain modified amendment to the Supplemental Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2001. [S 1077, Vote 226, 7/10/01; Congressional Quarterly Daily Monitor, 7/10/01; Associated Press, 7/10/01; Los Angeles Times, 7/11/01] XXXX Voted Against $270 Million for Defense Department’s Child Development Program. In 1998, XXXX voted against the Wellstone amendment to S.2057, which was an amendment to authorize an additional $270 million over five years for the Defense Department’s child development program, which provides child-care for the children of military personnel. At the time of the vote 150,000 children who were eligible were not participating, due to a lack of funding. The amendment would pay for the increase with a 0.1 percent across-the-board cut to all other programs authorized in this Department of Defense authorization bill. [Vote 173, 6/25/98] NATIONAL GUARD AND RESERVES XXXX Supported Reimbursing Federal Employees Who Take Leave to Join the National Guard. In April 2005, XXXX opposed an effort to kill an amendment that would require that federal employees who take a leave without pay in order to perform certain services as a member of the uniformed service or the National Guard, be reimbursed for the difference between their salary and the pay and allowances they receive while on duty. [HR 1268, Vote 91, 4/13/05] XXXX Opposed Modernizing the Retirement Package for National Guardsmen and Army Reservists. In 2004, XXXX voted against an amendment that would reduce from 60 to 55 the age at which members of the National Guard and Army Reserves could receive retirement benefits. [Vote 136, 6/22/04] XXXX One of Only 25 Senators to Oppose Extending Health Care for National Guardsmen and Army Reservists. In 2004, XXXX voted against expanding the benefits of the military’s TRICARE health system to members of the National Guard and Army Reserves. XXXX was one of only 25 Senators to oppose extending health care to national guardsmen and army reservists. [Vote 105, 6/2/04] XXXX Voted Against Limiting Involuntary Deployments of National Guard & Reservists. In October 2003, XXXX voted to kill a proposal that would have barred the involuntary deployment of National Guard and Reserves soldiers to Iraq if they have already been involuntarily deployed for more than six months in the last six years. [Vote 397, 10/17/03; Congressional Record, 10/17/03] XXXX Voted to Reimburse Federal Employees in the National Guard Serving in Iraq for Lost Wages. On October 17, 2003, XXXX voted for an amendment that would reimburse federal employees in the National Guard serving in Iraq for lost wages. The vote was on a Durbin, D-Ill., amendment (no. 1837) to the FY 2004 Supplemental for Iraq and Afghanistan. The Durbin amendment would require that federal employees who took leave without pay in order to perform certain services as a member of the uniformed service or the National Guard, be reimbursed for the difference between their salary and the pay and allowances they receive while on duty. [S 1689, Vote 390, 10/17/03; CQ Daily Monitor, 10/17/03] XXXX Voted Against Increasing Strength of Army By 10,000. In October 2003, XXXX voted to kill a proposal to expand the size of the U.S. Army by 10,000 soldiers. Supporters of the amendment, which was adopted 52-45 and would cost $409 million over several years, argued that more active duty troops were needed to lessen the budget on National Guard and Reserve soldiers. [Vote 382, 10/15/03; Omaha World Herald, 10/16/03] 304

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