prevent alcohol use by individuals under 21 years old. [Vote 217, 7/22/99] XXXX Voted To Filter Obscene Material From School Computers. In 2000, XXXX voted to enact the Children's Internet Protection Act, which would cut off Federal Internet access subsidies to schools that failed to implement filtering or blocking technology on computers with Internet access. Schools would have to implement filtering or blocking technology that prevented children's access to child pornography, other obscene material, and any other material that the school, school board, or other authority determined was inappropriate for minors. The amendment was agreed to, 95-3. [Vote 149, 6/27/00] XXXX Voted to Allow Same Discipline for Special Education Students and Other Students for Brining Weapons to School. In 1999, XXXX voted for an amendment that permits school personnel to suspend or expel children with disabilities from their schools for unlimited periods of time for carrying or possessing gun or other firearm to or at school, without providing any educational services, including behavioral intervention services. [Vote 137, 5/20/99] XXXX Voted Against Addressing Disproportionate Number of Minority Children in Prison. In 1999, XXXX cast a crucial vote to kill Hatch motion to table Wellstone, et al., amendment: Strikes language requiring States to assess extent to which 'segments' of juvenile population are incarcerated to greater extent than proportion of these groups in general juvenile population, and to address prevention efforts designed to reduce that disproportionate confinement; and inserts language that requires States to address juvenile delinquency prevention efforts and system improvement efforts designed to reduce, without numerical standards or quotas, disproportionate number of juvenile members of 'racial minority groups' who come in contact with juvenile justice system. [Vote 130, 5/19/99] XXXX Voted Against Grants for Children Subjected to Domestic Violence. In 1999, XXXX voted to kill the Wellstone amendment to S.254, which was an amendment to authorize grants to aide children who have witnessed domestic violence, and to train adults on how to work with them. [Vote 125, 5/18/99] XXXX Voted Against Supporting a Program to Prevent Youth Violence. In 1999, XXXX Voted against supporting a program to prevent youth violence and against helping schools combat school violence. [Vote 107, 5/11/99] DOMESTIC VIOLENCE XXXX Voted Against Prohibiting Defense Contracting With Companies Who Deny Women Their Day in Court for Sexual Assault Claims. In October 2009, XXXX voted against an amendment to the FY 10 Defense Appropriations that would prohibiting the Defense Department from contracting with companies that require employees to resolve sexual assault allegations and other claims through arbitration. Democratic Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota said he sponsored the measure in response to the case of former KBR/Halliburton employee Jamie Leigh Jones, who alleges she was raped by co-workers while in Iraq in 2005. She went public with her story in 2007. "Contractors are using fine print to deny women like Jamie Leigh Jones their day in court," Franken said during debate on the amendment. The amendment was adopted 68-30. [Houston Chronicle, 10/07/09; Vote 308, 10/06/09] XXXX Opposed Benefits for Domestic Violence Victims. In March 2004, XXXX voted against an amendment that would have expanded the Family and Medical Leave Act to allow victims of domestic violence and sexual assault to take leave from work for up to 30 days. It would also allow victims of domestic violence, stalking or sexual assault to receive unemployment insurance if they lose their job as a result. [Vote 62, 3/25/04] XXXX Voted for $100 Million Grant Program for Domestic Violence. In 2004, XXXX voted to end the filibuster on a bill that included an amendment to create a $100 million grant program to help states combat domestic violence. [Vote 65, 4/1/04] XXXX Supported Bill to Combat Human Trafficking and Violence Against Women. In October 2000, XXXX voted for a bill that would that would combat human trafficking, including those forced into sexual slavery, and establish a new visa for aliens who are victims of human trafficking. It also would authorize approximately $3 56

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