XXXX Voted Against Banning Straw Purchases Of Guns On Behalf Of Those Legally Barred From Owning Them. In April 2013, XXXX voted against Leahy, D-Vt., amendment no. 713 that would revise provisions in the bill that would make it a federal crime to purchase firearms on behalf of those legally barred from owning them to include exceptions for firearms purchased as a raffle, contest or auction award, as a gratuity for a hunting guide, as an employee bonus or as a commemorative award or honorarium. The amendment was rejected by a vote of 58-42 (D 53-0; R 3-42; I 2-0). [Vote 99, 4/17/13] XXXX Voted To Withhold Funding For Law Enforcement If A State Released Gun-Ownership Data. In April 2013, XXXX voted in favor of Barrasso, R-Wyo., amendment no. 717 that would withhold 5 percent of law enforcement grant funds to states and localities that release gun-ownership data, with an exception for the release of data necessary for a criminal investigation or legal proceeding. The amendment was adopted by a vote of 67-30 (D 22-28; R 45-0; I 0-2). [Vote 104, 4/18/13] XXXX Voted To Allow Veterans To Obtain Firearms Even If They Are Mentally Incapacitated, Incompetent Or Experiencing An Extended Loss Of Consciousness. In April 2013, XXXX voted in favor of Burr, R-N.C., amendment no. 720 that would prevent veterans who are mentally incapacitated, deemed mentally incompetent or experiencing an extended loss of consciousness from being deemed "a mental defective" and blocked from owning guns unless a court finds that the individual poses a danger to himself or others. The amendment was rejected by a vote of 56-44 (D 9-44; R 45-0; I 2-0). [Vote 102, 4/17/13] XXXX Voted To Require 60-Vote Majority For Any Gun Legislation. In March 2013, XXXX voted in favor of a Lee, R-Utah, motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to the Murray, D-Wash., point of order against the Lee amendment no. 673 for not being germane. The Lee amendment would create a 60-vote point of order against certain legislation related to gun policy, including prohibiting the possession of certain types of guns, limiting the size of ammunition clips or requiring background checks for private firearm transfers. The motion was jrected by a vote of 50-49 (D 6-46; R 44-1; I 0-2). [Vote 87, 3/23/13] XXXX Supported Government Funding To Prevent The US From Entering Into UN Arms Treaty. In March 2013, XXXX voted in favor of Inhofe, R-Okla., amendment no. 139 that would create a deficit-neutral reserve fund to allow for legislation related to Second Amendment rights, including preventing the United States from entering into the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty. The amendment was adopted by a vote of 53-46 (D 8-44; R 45-0; I 0-2). [Vote 91, 3/23/13] XXXX Voted to Deny Funding for Amtrak Unless Riders Are Allowed to Transport Firearms in Checked Baggage. In September 2009, XXXX voted to cut off Amtrak funding unless riders are allowed to transport firearms in checked baggage. The amendment to the FY 2010 Transportation-HUD Appropriations bill offered by Senator Wicker would deny Amtrak its $1.5 billion federal subsidy next year unless it allows passengers to pack firearms in their checked luggage by March. The amendment was adopted 68-30. [CQ Today, 9/16/09; Vote 279, 9/16/09] XXXX Voted to Allow Firearms in National Parks and Wildlife Refuges. In May 2009, XXXX voted for an amendment to a credit card bill that would ban the Interior Department from prohibiting visitors to national parks and wildlife refuges from carrying firearms if they comply with state laws. The amendment offered by Coburn was adopted on a 67-29 vote, including 27 Democrats and one independent. [CQ Today, 5/19/09; Vote 188, 5/19/09] XXXX Voted to Repeal the D.C. Restrictions on Semiautomatic Weapons. In February 2009, XXXX voted for an amendment by John Ensign, R-Nev., that would repeal the District’s restrictions on semiautomatic weapons, bar the city’s registration requirements for most guns and drop criminal penalties for possessing an unregistered firearm in the District. The amendment drew the support of moderate, Midwestern and Western Democrats, including Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, a strong bill backer. The amendment passed 62-36. [CQ Today, 2/26/09; Vote 72, 2/26/09] 52

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