HRC at WITW Summit
“I wanted to be here regardless of what else I was doing” No matter where you’re from, you can be a champion of change Tells story of her mom’s struggles Talks about Beijing speech in 1995, says it sparked change for women Repeats line “there has never been a better time in history to be born female.” Too many women are still denied equal reproductive rights Laws on the books mean nothing unless they are enforced…deep-seated cultural constructs have to change There are still far too many policies and pressures that make it hard for parents to go to work or school and raise a family—work schedules, access to childcare, paid leave issues. It’s outrageous that in 2015, women still pay a price to have families, pay gap is outrageous and worse for women of color. We have to guarantee that our institutions respond to continuing scourge of sexual assault. Hits Hobby Lobby for “taking away rights” from women. Cites the importance of supporting women in retirement. We move forward when gay and transgender women are embraced, not fired. We move forward when women are allowed to earn a path to citizenship, says we all suffer when they are forced into the shadow economy. Hits Republicans for presenting themselves as leaders that would deny women equal pay, defund Planned Parenthood, deport mothers, make women pay more for healthcare, play politics with AG appointment and human trafficking—“this is not leadership…it’s not going to create a single job…or strengthen families.” Cites role of women as peacemakers.