HRC and Tech Sector speeches

HEADLINE: “Hillary Clinton Was Paid Millions By Tech Industry For Speeches.” [Washington Post, 5/18/15] Washington Post: “The Clintons Have Personally Profited By Drawing On The Same Network Of Supporters Who Have Backed Their Political Campaigns And Philanthropic Efforts — While Those Supporters Have Gained Entree To A Potential Future President.” “While Bill Clinton’s lucrative speaking career since leaving the White House in 2001 has been well documented, the new disclosures offer the first public accounting of Hillary Clinton’s paid addresses since she stepped down as secretary of state. And they illustrate how the Clintons have personally profited by drawing on the same network of supporters who have backed their political campaigns and philanthropic efforts — while those supporters have gained entree to a potential future president.” [Washington Post, 5/18/15] Washington Post: “Out Of The $11.7 Million That Hillary Clinton Has Made Delivering 51 Speeches Since January 2014, $3.2 Million Came From The Technology Industry.” “Out of the $11.7 million that Hillary Clinton has made delivering 51 speeches since January 2014, $3.2 million came from the technology industry, the analysis found. Several of the companies that paid Clinton to address their employees also have senior leaders who have been early and avid supporters of her presidential bid.” [Washington Post, 5/18/15] Washington Post: “The Tech Sector Was The Largest Single Source Of Speaking Fees For Clinton, Followed By Health Care And Financial Services.” “The tech sector was the largest single source of speaking fees for Clinton, followed by health care and financial services, according to the Post analysis. Bill Clinton also made substantial income speaking to tech groups but focused more heavily on financial services, insurance and real estate companies.” [Washington Post, 5/18/15] Leaders Of Qualcomm And, Which Gave Secretary Clinton Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars In Speaking Fees, Were Contributors To Ready For Hillary. “Companies that paid her to speak include industry giants such as Xerox, Cisco Systems and Qualcomm, as well as start- ups and trade groups focused on biotechnology and medical technology. The blurred line between personal and political is apparent in the cases of companies that hired Clinton to speak and are connected to prominent backers of her campaign., for instance, paid Clinton $451,000 to deliver two talks last year, and its CEO, Marc Benioff, is a major donor to Ready for Hillary, a super PAC that laid the groundwork for her presidential bid. Another major backer of the PAC is Irwin Jacobs, the former chairman of Qualcomm, which shelled out $335,000 for Clinton to speak in late October.” [Washington Post, 5/18/15] Washington Post: “When Clinton Arrived At Ebay For Her March 2014 Women’s-Leadership Speech, She Had Another Connection To The Company. Eileen Donahoe, Wife Of The CEO, Had Worked For Clinton As U.S. Ambassador To The U.N. Human Rights Council.” “When Clinton arrived at eBay for her March 2014 women’s-leadership speech, she had another connection to the company. Eileen Donahoe, wife of the CEO, had worked for Clinton as U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Human Rights Council. Abby Smith, spokeswoman for eBay, said that,’as one of the world’s most admired women, Hillary Clinton was the perfect choice’ for the event. Smith declined to comment on the Donahoes’ fundraiser for the Clinton campaign.” [Washington Post, 5/18/15] Washington Post: “The Biotechnology Industry Organization Paid Bill Clinton $175,000 In 2010. Four Years Later, The Group Paid $335,000 — Nearly Twice As Much — To Hear From Hillary Clinton.” “In some cases, organizations that had once paid Bill Clinton to speak now paid even more to lure his wife. The Biotechnology Industry Organization paid Bill Clinton $175,000 in 2010. Four years later, the group paid $335,000 — nearly twice as much — to hear from Hillary Clinton. Likewise, the Advanced Medical Technology Association paid Bill Clinton $160,000 to speak in 2009 and paid Hillary Clinton $265,000 to speak in 2014.” [Washington Post, 5/18/15] Washington Post: In 2014, Secretary Clinton “Scooped Up $625,000 In One Day From The Tech Sector.” “But about a month later, she scooped up $625,000 in one day from the tech sector — first addressing a conference in San Francisco sponsored by Nexenta Systems, a data storage start-up, and

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