working as special government employees at the State Department. Records show that Tauscher received a special designation in 2012 after serving as special envoy for strategic stability and missile defense in the office of the secretary of state. Tauscher said she served only a few months. During that time, she joined a corporate board. She later started work as a lawyer with a Washington firm.”  Washington Post: Tauscher “Has Since Been Active In The Ready For Hillary Super PAC.” “Tauscher, who has since been active in the Ready for Hillary Super PAC, said she received the designation after expressing interest in retiring from government.” [Washington Post, 3/9/15]  Washington Post: Tauscher “Received The Designation After Expressing Interest In Retiring From Government” And “Was Told That The State Department Wanted Her To Continue To Serve At Least Part Time So She Could Remain Involved With Ongoing Missile-Defense Negotiations.” “Tauscher, who has since been active in the Ready for Hillary Super PAC, said she received the designation after expressing interest in retiring from government. She was told that the State Department wanted her to continue to serve at least part time so she could remain involved with ongoing missile-defense negotiations with Russian officials.” [Washington Post, 3/9/15] Washington Post: While Serving As A Clinton Aide In State Department, Caitlin Klevorick “Established CBK Strategies, A Consulting Firm That Advises Government And Corporate Clients On Communications And Policy.” “Klevorick, who joined the State Department as an aide to Clinton, received two one-year special appointments beginning in January 2012. During that time, records show that Klevorick established CBK Strategies, a consulting firm that advises government and corporate clients on communications and policy. Klevorick, whose participation in the program was first reported last year by Pro Publica, did not respond to requests for comment. Gerlach said Klevorick served as a senior adviser to the department.” [Washington Post, 3/9/15] Washington Post: Jeremy Rosner Maintained An “Association With The…Political Consulting Firm Greenberg Quinlan Rosner” While Working At State On A Project “Unrelated To The Clintons.” “Rosner, a pollster who worked for the National Security Council during Bill Clinton’s administration, had a special government employee assignment in 2011, a period during which he continued his association with the Washington-based political consulting firm Greenberg Quinlan Rosner. Rosner said his work at State, on a public diplomacy project in Pakistan, was unrelated to the Clintons.” [Washington Post, 3/9/15] THE GEORGE W. BUSH ADMINISTRATION EMPLOYED SEVERAL CONTROVERSIAL SPECIAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES Roll Call: In July 2005, Ed Gillespie Became A Special Government Employee When He “Accepted A Request From The Bush Administration To Lead Its Lobbying Effort To Win Senate Confirmation For Roberts.” “In July 2005, [Ed Gillespie] accepted a request from the Bush administration to lead its lobbying effort to win Senate confirmation for Roberts. The job required Gillespie to relocate to the White House, and while he wasn't paid for the work, he was designated a special government employee, a status that prevented him from lobbying the White House.” [Roll Call, 10/17/05] Roll Call: Gillespie Was Not Paid For His White House Work On The Roberts Supreme Court Confirmation. “In July 2005, [Ed Gillespie] accepted a request from the Bush administration to lead its lobbying effort to win Senate confirmation for Roberts. The job required Gillespie to relocate to the White House, and while he wasn't paid for the work, he was designated a special government employee, a status that prevented him from lobbying the White House.” [Roll Call, 10/17/05] Roll Call: Gillespie Claims To Have Voluntarily Curtailed All Lobbying Activity While He Worked As A Special Government Employee At The White House. “Gillespie expanded the ban, curtailing his lobbying altogether. ‘I just think it's better to voluntarily separate what you're doing to help the people in your party from your lobbying activities,’ he said. ‘I just think it makes things easier, and otherwise, it could raise questions later about appearances.’” [Roll Call, 10/17/05] Roll Call: While Working As A Special Government Employee At The White House, Gillespie’s Firm Work Included “Maintaining Client Relationships And Speaking Engagements, That Didn't

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