OTHERS ARGUED THAT DESIGNATING BOKO HARAM A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION WOULD NOT HAVE MATERIALLY HELPED NIGERIAN SECURITY FORCES… Daily Beast: “Had Clinton Designated Boko Haram As A Foreign Terrorist Organization, That Wouldn’t Have Authorized Any Increased Assistance To The Nigerian Security Forces.” “Had Clinton designated Boko Haram as a foreign terrorist organization, that wouldn’t have authorized any increased assistance to the Nigerian security forces; such assistance is complicated by the Leahy Law, a provision that prevents the U.S. from giving weapons to foreign military and police units guilty of human rights violations.” [Daily Beast, 5/7/14] Daily Beast: “Despite The State Department’s Refusal To Put Boko Haram On The Terrorism List, There Were Several Other Efforts To Work With The Nigerian Government On Countering The Extremist Group, Mainly Through Diplomatic And Military Intelligence Channels.” “Not everyone agrees that Clinton’s failure to act had significant negative effects. A former senior U.S. counterterrorism official told The Daily Beast that despite the State Department’s refusal to put Boko Haram on the terrorism list, there were several other efforts to work with the Nigerian government on countering the extremist group, mainly through diplomatic and military intelligence channels. ‘Designation is an important tool, it’s not the only tool,’ this official said. ‘There are a lot of other things you can do in counterterrorism that doesn’t require a designation.’” [Daily Beast, 5/7/14] …AND THAT THE STATE DEPARTMENT WAS ABLE TO WORK AGAINST BOKO HARAM DESPITE THE LACK OF DESIGNATION Daily Beast: “Three Boko Haram-Related Individuals Were Personally Sanctioned During Clinton’s Time At State.” “Not everyone agrees that Clinton’s failure to act had significant negative effects. A former senior U.S. counterterrorism official told The Daily Beast that despite the State Department’s refusal to put Boko Haram on the terrorism list, there were several other efforts to work with the Nigerian government on countering the extremist group, mainly through diplomatic and military intelligence channels…‘The utility was limited, the symbolism was perhaps significant, but the more important issue was how we were dealing with the Nigerians,’ this official said, noting that three Boko Haram-related individuals were personally sanctioned during Clinton’s time at State.” [Daily Beast, 5/7/14]  State Department: Under Secretary Clinton, The State Department Designated As Global Terrorists “The Most Visible Leader” Of Boko Haram, As Well As Two Others Who “Have Ties To Boko Haram And Have Close Links To Al-Qa’ida In The Islamic Maghreb.” “The Department of State designated Abubakar Shekau, Abubakar Adam Kambar, and Khalid al-Barnawi as Specially Designated Global Terrorists under section 1(b) of Executive Order 13224. Shekau is the most visible leader of the Nigeria-based militant group Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awati Wal-Jihad, commonly referred to as Boko Haram. Khalid al-Barnawi and Abubakar Adam Kambar have ties to Boko Haram and have close links to al-Qa’ida in the Islamic Maghreb, a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization.” [State Department, 6/21/12] A FACT CHECKER ASSERTED THAT THE U.S. WORKED WITH NIGERIA ON COUNTERING BOKO HARAM AND THAT AN FTO DESIGNATION WOULD NOT HAVE STOPPED BOKO HARAM’S MASS KIDNAPPING Washington Post Fact Checker: Discussions Between The U.S. And Nigeria Over Sanctioning Boko Haram “Was A Step-By-Step Diplomatic Process…[Where] It Was Made Clear That Formal Designation Of The Group Could Come Later.” “In other words, it was a step-by-step diplomatic process. It was made clear that formal designation of the group could come later — and it did, the very next year. But in the meantime, the State Department hoped it could use the threat of designation — and the pressure from Congress — to induce better behavior by the Nigerian military and a more serious approach to the threat by the Nigerian government. By contrast, officials feared that going immediately to a designation would forfeit that potential leverage and upset the Nigerian government.” [Fact Checker, Washington Post, 5/19/14]

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