HRC AFT questionnaire

Secretary Clinton: “When I Was First Lady Of Arkansas, I Chaired The Arkansas Educational Standards Commission Where I Worked To Raise Standards For Arkansas' Schools, Increase Teacher Salaries, And Lower Class Size.” “I have been working to improve and support our public schools for decades. Throughout my career I have worked to ensure that every child reaches his or her full potential, and I know a quality education is essential to reach that goal. When I was First Lady of Arkansas, I chaired the Arkansas Educational Standards Commission where I worked to raise standards for Arkansas' schools, increase teacher salaries, and lower class size. I continued in this effort as First Lady of the United States and as a Senator, working throughout my career to provide dedicated resources and support to teachers and to recruit, support, and retain more outstanding teachers. We need to attract a whole new generation to teaching because it is critical that our students have well- prepared and well-supported teachers.” [Hillary Clinton Questionnaire, American Federation of Teachers, 7/12/15] Secretary Clinton: The Initial Promise Of No Child Left Behind “Was Largely Broken Because Schools Struggled To Meet The Mandates Imposed By The Law And The Implementation At The Federal Level Was Problematic.” “When the No Child Left Behind Act was enacted, I viewed it as a historic promise between the federal government and educators. I hoped that it would lead to a greater sense of shared responsibility for our schools' success. Unfortunately, that promise was largely broken because schools struggled to meet the mandates imposed by the law and the implementation at the federal level was problematic.” [Hillary Clinton Questionnaire, American Federation of Teachers, 7/12/15] Secretary Clinton Supported The Every Child Acheives Act Of 2015. “I applaud Senator Patty Murray and Senator Lamar Alexander for coming together in a bipartisan fashion to unanimously pass the Every Child Achieves Act of 2015 out of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee to reauthorize NCLB. I believe this bill addresses some of the real challenges with NCLB while retaining our commitment to high academic standards, and to assessments that give parents and teachers the information they need to know how students are performing and if and where they need help to improve. I believe that this bill will correct for some of the real challenges that schools and communities experienced in implementing the law and will ensure that principals, educators and local communities are lifted up as full partners and innovators in improving public education. I also applaud the forward-looking investments in education contained in the bill, including a new commitment to improving early learning.” [Hillary Clinton Questionnaire, American Federation of Teachers, 7/12/15] Secretary Clinton: “Teachers And Parents Alike Are Concerned About The Amount Of Time Being Spent On Test Preparation, And Worry That Children Are Missing Out On The Most Valuable Experience In The Classroom—A Teacher Sparking A Student's Curiosity And Love For Learning.” “One of the issues that I am most concerned about is testing. Tests are intended to provide parents and educators with an understanding of how well kids are learning. Having that understanding is crucial. And it is important to remember that testing provides communities with full information about how our low-income students and students of color are doing in comparison to other groups so that we can continue to improve our educational system for all students. But I understand the frustration many parents and educators feel about tests. Teachers and parents alike are concerned about the amount of time being spent on test preparation, and worry that children are missing out on the most valuable experience in the classroom—a teacher sparking a student's curiosity and love for learning.” [Hillary Clinton Questionnaire, American Federation of Teachers, 7/12/15] Secretary Clinton: “I Am Mindful That We Need To Find The Right Balance…I Do Think That Senators Murray And Alexander Struck The Right Balance In The Every Child Achieves Act.” “So I am mindful that we need to find the right balance—and that starts with bringing parents and educators back into this conversation about how we ensure a robust and engaging curriculum that engages students in the love of learning rather than narrowing our schools to focus primarily on test preparation. I do think that Senators Murray and Alexander struck the right balance in the Every Child Achieves Act by continuing to maintain the federal requirement for annual statewide testing in grades 3-8, but ensuring that accountability for improving schools will be based on multiple measures of performance. And I think it will be critical for states and communities to continue to strike the right balance and not layer test upon

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