Hillary Clinton Travel - Private Jets

Hillary Clinton Airfare Expenditures NOTE: Highlighted trips denotes potential private jet travel SENATOR HILLARY CLINTON (October 01, 2000 to March 31, 2001) Date Payee Cost Details 1/08/2001 White House Airlift Operations $828.00 Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton W estchester To Albany To Washington DC 1/15/2001 White House Airlift Operations $496.00 Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton W ashington DC To New York and Return 1/10/2001 White House Airlift Operations $2,057.00 Senator’s Transportation – Washington DC to Buffalo, Syracuse and return Total: $3,381.00 SENATOR HILLARY CLINTON (April 01, 2001 to September 30, 2001) Date Payee Cost Details 1/25/2001 – 1/29/2001 Bank of America $300.50 Senator’s Transportation – Washington DC to White Plains, New York and Return 2/02/2001 – 2/22/2001 Bank of America $841.25 Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for the Following: Sen Clinton Washington DC to New York and Return; 2/2 Sen Clinton Washington DC to W hite Plains; 2/5 Sen Clinton New York to Washington DC; Sen Clinton White Plains To Syracuse 2/12/2001 – 3/18/2001 Bank of America $1,397.50 Senator’s Transportation – Airfare For Sen Clinton As Follows: 2/12 Syracuse to New York 2/12 Syracuse to W ashington DC; 2/16 Washington DC to Buffalo and Return; 2/24, 3/1 8, 15, 18 Washington DC to New York; 2/26, 3/9, 13, 15, 18 New York to W ashington DC 3/02/2001 – 3/02/2001 Air East Management LTD $6,397.92 Senator's Transportation – Airfare For Sen Clinton W estchester to Plattsburgh, Buffalo, Oneonta to New York 3/17/2001 Air East Management LTD $2,218.36 Airfare For Sen Clinton New York to Syracuse, Albany to Westchester 3/24/2001 Air East Management LTD $2,308.41 Airfare For Sen Clinton Westchester to Elmira and Return 5/21/2001 Air East Management LTD $3,677.37 Senator's Transportation – Penn Yan to W ashington DC 3/23/2001 – 5/27/2001 Bank of America $829.25 Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for K Miller 4/9 New York to Buffalo; 3/23, 4/8, 5/11, 27 Washington DC to New York; 4/1, 24, 30, 5/14, 26 New York to W ashington DC; 4/23 W hite Plains to W ashington DC 5/19/2001 Bank of America $234.75 Airfare for Senator H Clinton 5/19 New York to Buffalo 5/04/2001 McLarty Management Co $702.00 Airfare for Sen Clinton and H Abedin W ashington DC to Rochester to New York 5/07/2001 – 7/22/2001 Bank of America $411.75 Airfare for the following: Sen Clinton 5/7, 6/9–11 Washington DC to New York and Return; 5/18, 26, 6/22 Washington DC to New York: 7/9–12 New York to W ashington DC and Return 6/25/2001 – 8/20/2001 Bank of America $787.00 Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton as follows: 7/20, 8/18, 8/20 W ashington DC to New York – 4 Trips; 6/25 New York to W ashington DC Total: $20,106.06

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