SENATOR HILLARY CLINTON (October 01, 2001 – March 31, 2002) Date Payee Cost Details 8/27/2001 – 9/10/200N Bank of America $1,680.3M Airfare for the Following: Sen Clinton, H Abedin, P Kauffmann, R Martinez 7/14 San Juan PR to NY; Sen Clinton 8/27 DC to NY; Sen Clinton, H Abedin 9/8 NY to DC; H Abedin, Sen Clinton 9/V–10 DC to NY and Return 07/14/2001 – 09/07/2001 Bank of America $256.3M Airfare for the Following: Sen Clinton 9/7 Washington DC to New York and Return; Sen Clinton, H Abedin, R Martinez, P Kauffmann 7/14 New York to San Juan, PR 09/03/2001 Bank of America $45.75 Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton New York to Washington DC 08/9/2001 – 08/18/2001 Bank of America $290.75 Airfare for the Following: 8/18 H Clinton Poughkeepsie to Washington DC 09/03/2001 – 09/28/2001 Bank of America $1,163.25 9/24 TF for Sen Clinton NY to WDC; AF for the Following; 9/3 Sen Clinton, P Kauffmann, H Abedin BUF to NY; 9/27 Sen Clinton, J Kennedy, H. Abedin WDC to NY; 9/27 Sen Clinton, J Kennedy, H Abedin WDC to NY; 9/28 Sen Clinton, H. Abedin W PLS to Roc and FM BUF to WDC 9/28/2001 – 9/30/200N Bank of America $643.0M Train fare for the Following: 9/22 Sen Clinton W ashington DC to New York; Airfare for the Following: 9/30 Sen Clinton t ashington DC to White Plains; 9/28 H. Abedin, Sen Clinton Buffalo to Washington DC 6/30/200N McLarty Management Co $1,158.5M Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton t ashington DC to Plattsburg to White Plains 10/20/2001 Westchester Air Inc $2,856.5M Senator’s Transportation – Charter Airfare for Sen Clinton 10/20 t hite Plains to Watertown, Potsdam, Plattsburgh and Return 11/02/2001 Bank of America $46.50 Airfare for the Following: Sen Clinton 11/2 t ashington DC to New York 11/05/2001 LR Services Inc $1,108.25 Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton White Plains to Syracuse to t ashington DC 11/30/2001 McClarty Management Co $465.5M Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton and H. Abedin Washington DC to New Haven CT 10/01/2001 – 11/12/2001 Bank of America $953.0M Senator’s Transportation – Train Fare, 10/22 Sen Clinton NY to DC; Airfare for the Following: 10/5 Sen Clinton DC to NY; 10/8, 12, 18 Sen Clinton, H. Abedin DC to NY:10/15 H. Abedin, Sen Clinton NY to DC; 10/29 Sen Clinton NY to Buffalo; 10/6 Sen Clinton Boston MA to DC 12/10/2001 Oleary, Ann M $80.00 Senator’s Transportation – Washington DC to New York and return 10/26/2001 – 12/02/2001 Bank of America $357.75 Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for the Following: 10/26 Sen Clinton, H. Abedin DC to New York; 12/2 Sen Clinton DC to New York; 11/10 Sen Clinton, H. Abedin to Buffalo 12/14/2001 Westchester Air Inc $3,987.74 Airfare for Sen Clinton White Plains to New York, Buffalo, New York and Return 12/31/2001 Westchester Air Inc $2,377.74 Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton White Plains to Buffalo and Return 11/10/2001 – 12/09/2001 Bank of America $88.50 Airfare for the Following; Sen Clinton W ashington DC to White Plains;2/1, 14, 16 W ashington DC to New York; 12/3 New York to Washington DC Commented [SL1]: Just a note, they have an odd way of listing staff in their disbursements, though it’s not included in the total Commented [BJ2]: weirdly low Commented [SG3]: Train fare included with airfare expenditure.

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