SENATOR HILLARY CLINTON (October 01, 2004 to March 31, 2005) Date Payee Cost Details 07/17/2003 Clinton, Hillary Rodham $382.50 Senator’s Transportation – Washington DC to New York 12/07/2003 Jetequity Travel LLC -$2,150.0M Senator’s Transportation 5/10/2004 – 8/16/2004 Bank of America $920.5M Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for the Following: 5/10 Sen Clinton Washington DC to New York; 6/25, 7/16 Sen Clinton, H. Abedin Washington DC to New York; 7/8 Sen Clinton W ashington DC to White Plains, 8/146 Sen Clinton, H. Abedin Martha’s Vineyard to W ashington DC 1/10/2004 – 3/29/2004 LR Services Inc $595.5M Senator’s Transportation – Washington DC to Boston MA and Return 9/02/2004 – 9/03/2004 Jetequity Travel LLC A737.80 Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton, H. Abedin, J Hanley as Follows: 9/2 White Plains to Penn Yann, 9/3 Syracuse to New York 3/19/2004 Jetequity Travel LLC $1,020.0M Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton, H. Abedin, J Hanley White Plains to Batavia and Return 9/01/2004 – 9/13/2004 Jetequity Travel LLC $268.75 Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton, H. Abedin W ashington DC to t hite Plains 9/25/2004 Jetequity Travel LLC $617.5M Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton, H. Abedin, K Balderston, P Reines t hite Plains to Massena and Return 8/06/2004 Jetequity Travel LLC $895.25 Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton, J Hanley, R Shamir, K Balderston, C Calhoun White Plains to Syracuse, Rome, Buffalo and Return 7/05/2004 Jetequity Travel LLC $1,402.02 Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton, H. Abedin, P Reines, S Merrell, W hite Plains to t atertown, Ogdensburg, Fulton to t ashington DC 9/20/2004 Jetequity Travel LLC $789.82 Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton, H. Abedin, K Balderston W hite Plains to Rochester and Return 4/23/2004 Jetequity Travel LLC $734.92 Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton, H. Abedin, P Reines Washington DC to Buffalo, Jamestown to W hite Plains 4/24/2004 Jetequity Travel LLC $662.4V Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton, H. Abedin, P Reines White Plains to Albany, New York to t ashington DC 5/22/2004 Jetequity Travel LLC $607.5S Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton, C Falvo, P Reines White Plains to Albany, Syracuse and Return T/12/2004 Jetequity Travel LLC $475.98 Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton, H. Abedin, J Hanley White Plains to Niagara Falls to Wilmington DE 8/05/2004 Jetequity Travel LLC $575.0M Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton, H. Abedin, J Hanley White Plains to Schenectady and Return 8/30/2004 – 9/12/2004 Bank of America $357.7M Airfare for the Following: 9/13 Sen Clinton and H. Abedin New York to Washington DC; 9/15 Sen Clinton t ashington DC to White Plains 9/23/2004 – 9/27/2004 Bank of America $278.2M Airfare for the Following: 9/23 Sen Clinton t ashington DC to t hite Plains; 9/27 Sen Clinton and H. Abedin W hite Plains to W ashington DC 05/21/2014 Corning Incorporated 196.35 Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton, P Reines t ashington DC to Corning, Elmira To White Plains 10/18/2004 Bank of America $77.60 Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton and H. Abedin New York to t ashington DC 10/25/2004 Jetequity Travel LLC $1,751.4M Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton, H. Abedin, J Hanley White Plains to Syracuse, Ithaca to New York 10/04/2004 – 11/11/2004 Bank of America $313.4M Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for the Following: 10/4, 11/11 Sen Clinton, H. Abedin New York to Washington DC 10/21/2004 Jetequity Travel LLC $495.5N Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton and J Hanley White Plains to Binghamton and Return 11/08/2004 Nags Head Capital Management LLC $394.6M Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton and H. Abedin New York to t ashington DC 11/30/2004 Jetequity $1,052.0M Senator’s Transportation – Airfare for Sen Clinton and H. Abedin t hite
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