 In 2011, the Obama campaign could raise $35,800 donations at start because of joint fundraising agreements with the DNC. This campaign will raise $2,700 contributions for the primary because we’re focused on earning the nomination. While Republicans are engaged in a civil war within the field of 10+ candidates who might enter their competition, every single one of them offers the same economic agenda that Americans know rob Americans of the stability they’ve worked so hard for with their top- down agenda that would stack the deck even more in favor of those at the top. They want to be the champions for those at the top. THE RAMP UP Hillary has announced and started her campaign. That begins our first phase – our “ramp up” period. It will be different than most campaigns. The campaign will focus on small events that let Hillary have a direct conversation with voters, asking questions, answering questions and sharing ideas.  This “ramp up” phase is the same organizationally as if she had an exploratory committee – time to build before getting into full swing - but without being coy about her intentions and pretending like she’s still exploring.  Hillary started meeting with policy experts this fall to talk through solutions to the challenges we face. During this “ramp up” period, she’ll discuss those ideas with voters and then unveil her policy prescriptions at a later date. In May, she will outline more of her agenda and the ideas people have shared with her in a larger event that everyone can take part in.  Hillary’s doing this so people across the country can be part of her kickoff speech and the campaign going forward. Her team will be building for that all month long.

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