endorsements updated

GOVERNOR MARK DAYTON 2013: MARK DAYTON ENDORSED HILLARY CLINTON FOR PRESIDENT HEADLINE: “Dayton Already Backing Hillary Clinton For President In 2016.” [Star Tribune, 11/8/13] Star Tribune In November 2013: “Three Years Early, Gov. Mark Dayton Is Taking A Stand For His 2016 Presidential Pick. The DFL Governor Joined Ready For Hillary.” “Three years early, Gov. Mark Dayton is taking a stand for his 2016 presidential pick. The DFL governor joined Ready for Hillary, the political action committee supporting Democrat Hillary Clinton's potential run for president, the group said Thursday and Dayton's staff confirmed.” [Star Tribune, 11/8/13] Dayton In 2013: “Hillary Clinton Is The Most Qualified Person To Be The Next President Of The United States.” “‘Everyday, Minnesotans from all over our state and from all walks of life tell me that they want to see Hillary Clinton run for president in 2016,’ Dayton said in a release. ‘Hillary Clinton is the most qualified person to be the next president of the United States.’” [Star Tribune, 11/8/13] 2015: DAYTON WORKED TO GET OUT THE VOTE FOR CLINTON New York Times: “In Minnesota, Gov. Mark Dayton Has Quietly Endorsed Mrs. Clinton But Is Focused On Getting People To Knock On Doors And Sign Up Supporters.” “In Minnesota, Gov. Mark Dayton has quietly endorsed Mrs. Clinton but is focused on getting people to knock on doors and sign up supporters. He hosted an organizing meeting on Monday night, where, according to reports, he told people they ‘haven’t lived until you’ve gone door-knocking in Iowa in January.’” [New York Times, 5/14/15] Minneapolis Post: At A Minneapolis Organizing Meeting For Hillary Clinton, Dayton Said That Clinton Supporters Must Stand Up Against “The Character Assassination, The Money And The Lies” That Would Be Used Against Their Candidate. “Whenever there was a little break in the flow of an organizing meeting for Hillary Clinton Monday night, Scott Hogan, the only paid Clinton organizer in the state, would point to someone in the crowd…Dayton urged people to get involved now and stay involved. ‘You haven’t lived until you’ve gone door-knocking in Iowa in January,’ he said. He also warned the people that the campaign against ‘their’ candidate will be harsh. ‘The character assassination, the money and the lies would knock down just about anybody so we’ve got to stand together,’ he said.” [Minneapolis Post, 5/13/15] DAYTON WAS BLASTED BY MINNESOTA REPUBLICANS FOR ATTENDING A CLINTON ORGANIZING MEETING DURING ONGOING BUDGET NEGOTIATIONS Minnesota Public Radio: During State Budget Negotiations, “[State] House Republicans Criticized Dayton For Scheduling An Organizing Event For Hillary Clinton’s Campaign For President Instead Of Focusing On A Budget Deal That Has To Be Reached By Monday.” “Gov. Mark Dayton and legislative leaders ended their budget talks Tuesday night by saying little about their overall progress. That’s a dramatic departure from the start of the day when Republicans criticized Dayton and Senate Democrats for slow walking the process. House Republicans also criticized Dayton for scheduling an organizing event for Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president instead of focusing on a budget deal that has to be reached by Monday.” [Minnesota Public Radio, 5/13/15] JUNE 2015: DAYTON ATTENDED A MINNEAPOLIS FUNDRAISER FOR HILLARY CLINTON Dayton Attended A $2,700 Per Person Fundraiser For Hillary Clinton In Minneapolis In June 2015. “Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has maintained a grueling campaign pace since declaring her presidential candidacy, and sandwiched her Twin Cities stop in between major speeches on race, gun

control and the Confederate flag in San Francisco, on Saturday, and Missouri, on Tuesday. The former first lady made sure her one-night engagement was worth the trip. A backyard fundraising event at the Minneapolis home of Ellen Goldberg Luger, wife of U.S. Attorney Richard Luger, reportedly came with an entry fee of $2,700 per person — the maximum amount for an individual donation. The steep ticket price wasn’t too much for a number of the state’s most prominent Democrats: Gov. Mark Dayton and former U.S. Vice President Walter Mondale were both on hand, among dozens of guests.” [The Legal Ledger, 6/24/15] KEN MARTIN - DFL CHAIR After Clinton Announced Her Candidacy, DFL Party Chair Ken Martin Said “We Think That 2016 Is Going To Be The Year Of The Woman.” “Days after Hillary Clinton announced she would run for president, many Democrats are excited about her prospects for becoming the first woman to occupy the White House. In Minnesota, party leaders think Clinton's path to the Democratic nomination is so clear that they are recruiting female candidates for state and local offices, hopeful that the excitement around Clinton will spread their way. ‘We think that 2016 is going to be the year of the woman,’ DFL Party Chair Ken Martin said.” [MPR News, 4/14/15] MPR News: “In Minnesota, Party Leaders Think Clinton's Path To The Democratic Nomination Is So Clear That They Are Recruiting Female Candidates For State And Local Offices, Hopeful That The Excitement Around Clinton Will Spread Their Way.” “Days after Hillary Clinton announced she would run for president, many Democrats are excited about her prospects for becoming the first woman to occupy the White House. In Minnesota, party leaders think Clinton's path to the Democratic nomination is so clear that they are recruiting female candidates for state and local offices, hopeful that the excitement around Clinton will spread their way. ‘We think that 2016 is going to be the year of the woman,’ DFL Party Chair Ken Martin said.” [MPR News, 4/14/15] April 2015: Ken Martin And Other DFL Leaders Began Recruiting Female Candidates After Clinton Declared Her Candidacy, With Martin Noting “Having A Woman At The Top Of The Ticket Running For President And Women Candidates Running Up And Down The Ballot Throughout Minnesota Could Help Us Put A Lot Of Those Seats In Play.” “Even though the election is still 19 months away, Martin and other DFL leaders are actively recruiting women candidates for Congress…Martin said Democrats also are recruiting female candidates for several seats in the Legislature. ‘The confluence of having a woman at the top of the ticket running for president and women candidates running up and down the ballot throughout Minnesota could help us put a lot of those seats in play, including congressional seats and suburban legislative seats,’ he said.” [MPR News, 4/14/15] REP. JOHN LEWIS 2013: “IF [HILLARY CLINTON] MAKES A DECISION TO RUN, I WOULD BE WITH HER” HEADLINE: “John Lewis: I'm For Hillary Clinton In 2016.” [The Hill, 8/13/13] Rep. John Lewis In August 2013: “I Won’t Make An Endorsement, But I Will Say This: If She Makes A Decision To Run, I Would Be With Her.” “Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) said Tuesday that he would support Hillary Clinton if she runs for the White House in 2016. The civil rights icon made waves during the 2008 Democratic primary when he switched his support from Clinton to President Obama but made clear in a recent interview that his support for the former secretary of State remains strong. ‘I won’t make an endorsement, but I will say this: If she makes a decision to run, I would be with her,’ Lewis told The New York Times.” [The Hill, 8/13/13] John Lewis In August 2013: “I Think Today She Is The Most Qualified Person In America To Be President.” “‘I won’t make an endorsement, but I will say this: If she makes a decision to run, I would be

with her,’ Lewis told The New York Times. ‘I think today she is the most qualified person in America to be president. No one has worked so hard or done a more effective job in representing this country as secretary of State in modern times.’” [The Hill, 8/13/13] JOHN LEWIS SAID OF HILLARY IN 2015: “I’VE SUPPORTED HER MUCH EARLIER AND I’M GOING TO SUPPORT HER” John Lewis In April 2015: “She’s Going To Be A Great Candidate. I’ve Supported Her Much Earlier And I’m Going To Support Her.” “Georgia Rep. John Lewis also endorsed Clinton, telling TheDC she did ‘a superb job’ during her campaign’s roll out. ‘She’s out there. She listened to people. She’s working hard. She’s going to be a great candidate. I’ve supported her much earlier and I’m going to support her.’” [Daily Caller, 4/22/15] BETSY HODGES – MAYOR OF MINNEAPOLIS Mayor Hodges Endorsed Hillary Clinton For President In June 2015. “Tonight I am proud to announce My support for @HillaryClinton for President of the United States.” [@MayorHodges, Twitter, 6/25/15] Mayor Hodges On Hillary Clinton: “She Supports Cities And Understands That A Strong Urban America Is Foundational To A Strong America And She Supports The Policies That Back That Up.” “Tonight I am proud to announce that I am supporting Hillary Clinton for President of the United States. I support Hillary and have for some time. She supports cities and understands that a strong urban America is foundational to a strong America and she supports the policies that back that up. Her early childhood platform is spot on for me – she, too, shares with people the information that 80% of brain development happens by age three and understands what we need to do for kids based on that reality. Her policies around America’s workforce needs and development resonate with the work we are doing here in Minneapolis. The remarks she made at the US Conference of Mayors really impressed me about the conversation she can help all of us in this country, including white people, have about race. Her growing understanding of substance abuse issues and how that plays into health and social policy are crucial for me personally.” [Betsy Hodges, Facebook, 6/25/15] Mayor Hodges Praised Hillary Clinton’s Policies On Early Childhood Education And Workforce Development As Well As Her Comments On Race And Substance Abuse. “Tonight I am proud to announce that I am supporting Hillary Clinton for President of the United States. I support Hillary and have for some time. She supports cities and understands that a strong urban America is foundational to a strong America and she supports the policies that back that up. Her early childhood platform is spot on for me – she, too, shares with people the information that 80% of brain development happens by age three and understands what we need to do for kids based on that reality. Her policies around America’s workforce needs and development resonate with the work we are doing here in Minneapolis. The remarks she made at the US Conference of Mayors really impressed me about the conversation she can help all of us in this country, including white people, have about race. Her growing understanding of substance abuse issues and how that plays into health and social policy are crucial for me personally.” [Betsy Hodges, Facebook, 6/25/15] Mayor Hodges Praised Hillary Clinton As A “Strong Leader” Who Had “Successfully Pushed Back On And Weathered An Untold Number Of Personal Attacks All The While Championing Smart Policy And Building Strong Relationships Nationally And Internationally.” “Hillary Clinton is a strong leader. She has successfully pushed back on and weathered an untold number of personal attacks all the while championing smart policy and building strong relationships nationally and internationally. That is the kind of person I want our next President to be. All of that plus a long career incorporating multiple campaigns over time matters to me as I make this choice. There is no one in this country more ready or more suited to run for President, win the race, and govern well for America’s working people and families. I proudly support Hillary Clinton for President.” [Facebook, Betsy Hodges, 6/25/15]

REP. ELLISON 2015: ELLISON SAID HE WOULD ENDORSE THE EVENTUAL DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE, BUT WANTED TO HEAR MORE ABOUT “THE CONCENTRATION OF WEALTH AT THE TOP” IN ORDER TO “GET EXCITED” ABOUT CLINTON’S CANDIDACY Ellison Said He Would Support The Eventual Democratic Nominee, But In Order To “Get Excited,” He Wants “To Hear [Clinton] Talking About The Most Pressing Issue In America Today, Which Is The Concentration Of Wealth At The Top.” “‘Ultimately, she simply needs to … not [be] a Republican for me to endorse her,’ said Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), co-chairman of the 70-member House Progressive Caucus. ‘I will support the Democratic nominee, there is no question about that. The real question is: What is going to make me get excited? I want to hear [Clinton] talking about the most pressing issue in America today, which is the concentration of wealth at the top.’” [Politico, 5/19/15] Ellison: “Ultimately, She Simply Needs To … Not [Be] A Republican For Me To Endorse Her.” “‘Ultimately, she simply needs to … not [be] a Republican for me to endorse her,’ said Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), co-chairman of the 70-member House Progressive Caucus. ‘I will support the Democratic nominee, there is no question about that. The real question is: What is going to make me get excited? I want to hear her talking about the most pressing issue in America today, which is the concentration of wealth at the top.’” [Politico, 5/19/15] Rep. Lew There is no Rep. Lew. I’m assuming this is Lewis misspelled, which is included above. Let me know if it’s someone else RT Rybak Does not appear to have endorsed anyone DONNA BRAZILE DONNA BRAZILE HAS FREQUENTLY COMMENTED ON THE DEMOCRATS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT IN 2016, BUT HAS YET TO ENDORSE ANYONE HEADLINE: “Why Democrats Should Welcome Sanders' Entry Into Presidential Race.” [Donna Brazile, CNN, 5/27/15] Donna Brazile Said Of Sanders’ Entrance Into The Race: “It's Good For Clinton As Well As For Democracy To Have A Really Strong Debate On How To Keep America Safe And Make It Stronger.” “By pushing back against the party he is so often aligned with, Sanders will force Democratic candidates such as former secretary of state and U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton to more clearly define exactly what their stances are on specific issues. And while that's the last thing any politician truly wants to do, it's something every voter should want. And the reality is that it's good for Clinton as well as for democracy to have a really strong debate on how to keep America safe and make it stronger, including on issues such as protecting our environment, strengthening the middle class and growing our economy.” [Donna Brazile, CNN, 5/27/15] HEADLINE: “This Time, Hillary Will Run As A Woman.” [Donna Brazile, CNN, 3/4/15] Donna Brazile In March 2015: “Hillary Is Now Wisely Embracing Her Gender As A Way Of Capturing The Same ‘Hope And Change’ Historical Quality Of Obama's Presidency.” “Hillary is now wisely embracing her gender as a way of capturing the same ‘hope and change’ historical quality of

Obama's presidency. Voters always want change, and Hillary Clinton has been a constant on the political stage for decades now. She's certainly no stranger to Washington, or to the West Wing of the White House. But electing her president would still represent massive change on a fundamental level. Hillary Clinton wants 2016 to be the Year of the Woman. And she wants to be The Woman.” [Donna Brazile, CNN, 3/4/15] HEADLINE: “Hillary Clinton Gets It On Voting Rights, Republican Contenders Don't.” [Donna Brazile, CNN, 6/4/15] Donna Brazile: “I'm Glad Clinton Is Speaking Out” On Voting Rights Issues. “That's the fundamental difference between Democrats and the current GOP presidential field. As Democrats, we believe in the right of every eligible citizen to vote and have that vote counted; we are fighting to expand and protect the right to vote, while Republicans are doing just the opposite…I'm glad Clinton is speaking out on this issue and, who knows, we might get a chance to hear from others before the end of the summer.” [Donna Brazile, CNN, 6/4/15] [Donna Brazile Twitter, @donnabrazile, 4/12/15]