that everybody is suing the tobacco companies and nobody sues the alcohol companies. I mean, you have the car crashes and the kids that get killed by some drunk that's, you know, riding on the road. It's just terrible. So, I would like to see something happen with alcohol.” [Larry King Live, CNN, 10/7/99] RELIGION TRUMP IN 1989: THERE IS NO HEAVEN… 1989: Donald Trump Said He Did Not Believe In Reincarnation, Heaven, Or Hell. “Seven years ago, Donald Trump remembers, he gazed at his $200 million Trump Tower and thought to himself: ‘I'll be 36 next year and I'll have done everything I can do. . . . Sometimes, I think it was a mistake to have raced through it all so fast.’ ….‘What's the next level up? … Right now, I'm genuinely enjoying myself. I work and I don't worry.’ Not even about death. ‘No. I'm fatalistic and I protect myself as well as anybody can. I prepare for things. But ultimately we all end up going.’ Heading upstairs for dinner with his children, Donald Trump looks back, hesitating, wanting to finish: ‘No. I don't believe in reincarnation, heaven or hell - but we go someplace. ‘Do you know,’ he says, ‘I cannot, for the life of me, figure out where.’” [Chicago Tribune, 3/12/89] TRUMP IN 1999: “I’M RELIGIOUS” AND HOPE HEAVEN EXISTS Trump: “I Believe In God. I'm Religious.” SAWYER: “You are? Are you religious?” TRUMP: “Right. No, I believe in God. I'm religious. I'm religious in my thought. And I just hope, in fact, that we're all right in believing that there is a heaven, and perhaps in believing that there is a hell. I mean, we have to be here for something. We have to be doing this for some reason. There has to be a reason. And I believe that there is in fact a reason, and I believe heaven could be that reason.” [Good Morning America, ABC, 12/2/99] TRUMP ON THE TRAIL IN 2015: I’M A “GOOD CHRISTIAN” BUT HAVE NEVER ASKED GOD FOR FORGIVENESS Donald Trump Said He Was A “Good Christian” And That, If Elected, “We’re Gonna Be Saying Merry Christmas At Every Store.” “Playing to Hawkeye State evangelical voters, Donald Trump riffed on religious political correctness at an event here Wednesday by vowing to always say ‘Merry Christmas’ come the winter holiday season. ‘I'm a good Christian,’ the Republican presidential front-runner said. ‘If I become president, we're gonna be saying Merry Christmas at every store ... You can leave happy holidays at the corner.’” [CNN, 10/21/15] Donald Trump Said He Had Never Asked God For Forgiveness And Spoke Casually About Holy Communion. “Last month at the Family Leader’s candidate summit in Ames, Trump, a Presbyterian, caused unease when he said he had never asked God for forgiveness and spoke casually about Holy Communion. ‘When I drink my little wine — which is about the only wine I drink — and have my little cracker, I guess that is a form of asking for forgiveness,’ Trump said. Iowa radio host Steve Deace said he would be ‘very surprised’ if Trump won here. ‘Whatever chance he had to get evangelicals to coalesce around him went out the window at the Confidential Page 223

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