to open the flagship restaurant at an upcoming Trump hotel in Washington. And even the Federal Aviation Administration got in on the act, announcing Thursday that its renaming three aerial navigation posts that had Trump-related monickers. That Trump’s remarks aren’t registering outside of North America doesn’t surprise Nick Andrews, a London-based senior partner and crisis management expert at public relations firm Fleishman-Hillard Inc.” [Bloomberg, 7/10/15] CASINOS Press Of Atlantic City: Trump’s Atlantic City Record Was “Marked By Questionable Casino Management And Episodic Corporate Bankruptcy.” “But as voters examine his Atlantic City tenure to decide whether he has the economic chops to be president, they’ll find a record marked by questionable casino management and episodic corporate bankruptcy — the legacy of a fractious know-it-all who brought publicity, tax dollars and thousands of decent jobs to South Jersey, but whose manic and myopic dealmaking ultimately yielded a moribund casino empire, mined into exhaustion and left to wither.” [Press of Atlantic City, 8/10/15] Trump’s Casinos Went Into Bankruptcy So Regularly That Fitch Ratings Called Them “Serial Filers.” “Trump, the man, never did go bankrupt. But the Trump casinos did, cyclically, and with disturbing regularity. ‘Serial filers,’ Fitch Ratings called them.” [Press of Atlantic City, 8/10/15] • All Of Donald Trump’s Atlantic City Casinos Had Filed For Bankruptcy Before, In 1992, When They Were More Than $1 Billion In Debt. “This will be the second time the Trump casinos have filed for bankruptcy. In 1992, the three casinos he then owned, the Taj Mahal, Castle, and Plaza, all in Atlantic City, ended up in Chapter 11, burdened by more than $1 billion in debt.At the time, Trump himself was at brink of bankruptcy, but later regained control of the casinos and wrote a book about his experience in 1997 called ‘Trump: The Art of the Comeback.’” [Wolf Blitzer Reports, CNN, 8/10/04] Press Of Atlantic City: Trump’s Bankruptcies “Were Less Displays Of Cool Resourcefulness Than Frantic Episodes Of Trump Scrambling To Bail On Bank Debt And Keep His Perennially Overleveraged Casinos From Going Belly Up.” “But the bankruptcies — starting with Trump Taj Mahal, which bankrupted about a year after Trump opened it using $675 million in patently unsustainable junk bonds — were less displays of cool resourcefulness than frantic episodes of Trump scrambling to bail on bank debt and keep his perennially overleveraged casinos from going belly up. ‘The project was dangerous in the beginning,’ said Bryant Simon, a historian and Temple University professor who authored ‘Boardwalk of Dreams: Atlantic City and the Fate of Urban America.’ ‘A lot of people got stuck holding the bag, and he didn’t. So people resented him for that and felt serious financial pain.’” [Press of Atlantic City, 8/10/15] Due To Trump’s Casinos’ 2009 Bankruptcy, Unsecured Creditors — Low-Level Investors, Contractors, Small-Time Vendors — Got Less Than A Penny On The Dollar For Their Claims. “And it wasn’t just faceless bankers who got burned in the bankruptcies. In the 2009 case, unsecured creditors — low-level investors, contractors, small- time vendors — got less than a penny on the dollar for their claims against Trump Confidential Page 65

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