Trump Complained That South Korea Should Be Paying The U.S. For Security. TRUMP: “First of all, South Korea isn't even signing a trade pact with us. They make hundreds of billions of dollars of let's call it profit on the United States. The president goes over there recently and they embarrass him by saying we want more. You wouldn't believe me. This deal that we're making is so bad and they won't even sign it. Then they get bombed and we send over -- I say two things. Why aren't they paying us? They make a fortune. Why aren't they paying us for security? Why are we doing this for nothing? We are the dumbest people.” [Fox & Friends, Fox News, 12/2/10] SYRIA In March 2011, Trump Questioned Getting Involved In Syria Saying “It’s A Slippery Slope.” CARLSON: “So what do you think about -- Donald, what do you think about people are saying, well, now the same situation is happening in Syria, so maybe the United States should get involved there. Do you think it's a slippery slope and what would you do?” TRUMP: “Well, it is a slippery slope and more and more, you realize that we're over there fighting wars to open up these governments and they would have opened up themselves because it's a mess. It's a total mess. You know it's that whole part of the world. You just wonder -- should we be there at all because it is a total mess.” [Fox & Friends, Fox News, 3/28/11] Donald Trump Said The “Fools” Advocating More Direct Military Action In Syria “Basically Want To Start World War 3.” “The strife in Syria has become a staple of Trump’s stump speech and it is an area where he has begun to differentiate himself from others in his party with a stance that sounds decidedly more cautious. In the interview, he questioned those who are advocating more direct military intervention by the United States. ‘They basically want to start World War 3 over Syria,’ he said. ‘If we’re going to have World War 3, it’s not going to be over Syria. .  .  . I won’t even call them hawks. I call them the fools.’” [Washington Post, 10/7/15] Trump: “We Have To Do One Thing At A Time. We Can’t Be Fighting ISIS And Fighting Assad.” BLITZER: “And it’s, you are OK with Mr. Assad staying in power, but you are also in favor of winning. If he stays in power, Iran is winning, Hezbollah is winning. Iran is winning in Yemen. They are winning everywhere. If they are winning how can we be winning?” TRUMP: “I think Assad is a bad guy, a very bad guy, all right? Lots of people killed. I think we are backing people we have no idea who they are. The rebels, we call them the rebels, the patriotic rebels. We have no idea. A lot of people think, Hugh, that they are ISIS. We have to do one thing at a time. We can’t be fighting ISIS and fighting Assad. Assad is fighting ISIS. He is fighting ISIS. Russia is fighting now ISIS. And Iran is fighting ISIS.” [Republican Presidential Debate, Las Vegas NV, 12/15/15] Donald Trump Said He “Might” Have Used Military Force In Syria When Bashal Al-Assad Used Chemical Weapons Against His Own People. “‘I am the most military- based and the most militaristic person on your show. I want to have a much stronger military. I want it to be so strong that nobody's going to mess with us,’ Trump said when asked whether he would only use military force if attacked. Dickerson followed up by asking whether he would have used military force when Syrian President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons against Confidential Page 98

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