Frank/ Not A Very Good Thing.” TRUMP: “Well Dodd Frank is probably not a Wall very good thing. There are aspects of it you could leave. But generally Street speaking Dodd Frank stifles business. It just totally stifles business.” Reform [TIME, transcript/8/20/15[23] ] Donald Trump: “We Have To Get Rid Of Dodd-Frank.” TRUMP: “I disagree but I also think we have to get rid of Dodd-Frank. The banks aren't loaning money to people who need it. The banks will give me all the money I need because I don't need the money. Anybody that doesn't need money is a great candidate today to get money. If you need money to create jobs, to build something, whether it's buildings or a company, the banks aren't there. The regulators are running the banks. And that's why our country -- I mean people can't borrow money today.” [Varney & Co., Fox Business News,10/20/15; ciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE0NDkwMTA5NjgsImVtYWlsIjoicGV0ZXJzb2 5rQGRuYy5vcmciLCJpZCI6NzYwNjYsImRvd25sb2FkYWJsZSI6dHJ1ZX0. LzJ4u8xOxEcjsUVaQyhNlks99Qo9NRvWaykFfIwW4vg&start=00:12:00VI DEO] GUN CONTROL Backgro Trump: “The Second Amendment? I Believe The Rights Of Law- und Abiding Gun Owners Must Be Fully Protected.” [Trump, Crippled Checks America, 90, 11/3/15[27] ] Trump: The Federal Background Check System Has “Accomplished Very Little.” “There has been a lot of speculation about background checks, as if researching the background of everyone attempting to legally purchase a gun will somehow keep guns out of the hands of criminals. The national background-check system has been in place since 1998. Every time a gun is purchased from a federally licensed gun dealer, which is how the overwhelming majority of all gun purchases take place, they have to go through a federal background check. Unfortunately, as expected, bringing more government regulation into the situation has accomplished very little. The main “benefit” has been to make it difficult for a law-abiding American to buy a gun. As study after study has proven, few criminals are stupid enough to try to pass a background check or have their names in any kind of system. So they get their guns the same way bad guys have always gotten their guns—by stealing them or by buying them from an unlicensed source or getting them from family and friends. This system is another example of federal regulation that has turned into a complete failure. When the system was put in place, gun owners were promised it would be instant, accurate, and fair. That isn’t what has happened at all.” [Trump, Crippled America, 103, 11/3/15[28] ] Confidential Page 230

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