Jersey?” TRUMP: “I don't want to use the word screw but I screwed him. That's what we should be doing. I rented him a piece of land in Bedford, New York. I rented him a piece of land…. He paid me a fortune and then I didn't let him use the land.”[Fox & Friends, Fox News, 3/21/11] BUT NOW SAYS WE WOULD BE BETTER OFF IF HE WAS STILL IN POWER Donald Trump: World Would Be '100%' Better With Saddam Hussein, Moammar Gadhafi Still In Power. “Donald Trump believes the world would be much better off if ruthless dictators like Saddam Hussein and Moammar Gadhafi were still in power. ‘100%,’ Trump replied when asked that question in an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper that aired Sunday on ‘State of the Union.’ … ‘I mean, look at Libya. Look at Iraq. Iraq used to be no terrorists. He (Hussein) would kill the terrorists immediately, which is like now it's the Harvard of terrorism,’ Trump said. ‘If you look at Iraq from years ago, I'm not saying he was a nice guy, he was a horrible guy, but it was a lot better than it is right now. Right now, Iraq is a training ground for terrorists. Right now Libya, nobody even knows Libya, frankly there is no Iraq and there is no Libya. It's all broken up. They have no control. Nobody knows what's going on.’” [CNN, 10/25/15] Donald Trump Said Human Rights Abuses In Iraq And Libya Are Worse Today Than Under Saddam Hussein And Moammar Gadhafi. “Both Gadhafi and Hussein committed atrocities against their own people and were among the world's worst human rights abusers. NATO decided to intervene in Libya as Gadhafi appeared poised to commit a genocidal- like massacre. But Trump said human rights abuses continue to plague Libya and Iraq and claimed, ‘They're worse than they ever were.’ ‘People are getting their heads chopped off, they're being drowned. Right now, they are far worse than they were, ever, under Saddam Hussein or Gadhafi,’ he said.” [CNN, 10/25/15] TRUMP RELEASED A VIDEO SUGGESTING HILLARY CLINTON LAUGHED AT THE BENGHAZI ATTACKS… Donald Trump Released A Video That Portrayed Hillary Clinton Laughing Over Flaming Images Of The Benghazi Attack. “GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump's latest video, posted online Monday, portrays Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton laughing over flaming images of the Benghazi attack. ‘Hillary has been having a laugh at our expense for years,’ reads text at the beginning of the video, followed immediately with a series of video clips of the former secretary of State chuckling. Clinton's laughter can be heard while several news clips fly across the screen highlighting several controversies, from Whitewater to the recent federal investigation into her private email arrangement while at State.” [The Hill, 11/23/15] Donald Trump: “Hillary, There Is Nothing To Laugh About” [realDonaldTrump, Instagram, 11/23/15] BUT ACKNOWLEDGED THE PARTISAN NATURE OF THE HOUSE BENGHAZI COMMITTEE Donald Trump Said Benghazi Committee’s Hearing Featuring Hillary Clinton “Was Very Partisan, And It Looked Quite Partisan.” “Donald Trump said in an Confidential Page 95

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