Donald Trump Said Wearing Burkas Makes It “Easier” For Women To Look Beautiful Because They “Don’t Have To Put On Make-Up.” “Trump extended his blunt- force brand of diplomacy and non-interventionist stance to women's rights, saying that America should stop meddling in Middle Eastern affairs because women there ‘don't want freedom,’ as evidenced by their desire to wear burqas or niqabs, which cover their faces. ‘With the women over there, they don't have to wear the you-know-what,’ Trump said referring to the veils worn by some Muslim women. ‘And then I said, 'Oh well that makes sense. That's nice.' Then, I saw women interviewed. They said, 'We want to wear them. We've worn them for a thousand years. Why would anyone tell us?' They want to. What the hell are we getting involved for? The fact is it's easier. You don't have to put on make-up. Look how beautiful everyone looks. Wouldn't it be easier if ‘mwah’ (kissing sound)? Right? Wouldn't that be easy? I tell you if I was a woman - ‘mwah’ - I'm ready darling. Let's go.’” [CBS News, 10/26/15] Trump: Doesn’t Matter What Media Say About You “As Long As You’ve Got A Young And Beautiful Piece Of Ass.” In 1991, Trump told Esquire, "You know, it doesn't really matter what (the media) write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass.” [Des Moines Register, 9/13/15] Trump On His Daughter: “She Does Have A Very Nice Figure .  .  . If [She] Weren’t My Daughter, Perhaps I’d Be Dating Her.” “She was replaced by Trump’s eldest daughter, Ivanka, of whom Trump once said, ‘She does have a very nice figure .  .  . if [she] weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.’” [Anna Holmes, Washington Post, 4/30/11] ON THE “HUNT” FOR WOMEN Trump: “I Think The Hunt Is Always Fun, Whether It's Deals, Whether It's Women, Whether It's Anything.” WALTERS: “I want to clear something up. In your book, the new book, you say, ‘The fun is in the getting, not the having.’ Does that include women? No kidding.” TRUMP: “Interesting question. I think the hunt is always fun, whether it's deals, whether it's women, whether it's anything. I think, however, that with respect to women, there would be nothing that would make me happier than having a great marriage. An absolutely great marriage, and that would certainly supersede the hunt.”[20/20, ABC News, 8/17/90] Trump On Not Having A First Lady: “We Could Have One In 24 Hours” If Necessary. KING: “We will not have a first lady. Who will be? I'm thinking ahead. Who's in charge of social affairs?” TRUMP: “Well, we could have one in 24 hours. We actually -- it would be very interesting.” KING: “There's a line out there?” TRUMP: “But we could have one quickly.” KING: “Are you telling us something?” TRUMP: “No, not all. But I'm saying, if there was a, you know, prerequisite, 24 hours, it's done.” [Larry King Live, CNN, 10/7/99] ON A WIFE’S ROLE IN THE HOME Trump: “I Don't Want To Sound Too Much Like A Chauvinist, But When I Come Home And Dinner's Not Ready, I'll Go Through The Roof.”NANCY COLLINS: “Well, you now are married to a woman, and you- who would like to continue her career. Marla says she does want to have a career….You have said you don't want Marla to work.”… TRUMP: “I think I'm probably mixed. I have days where I think it's great and then I have days where if I come Confidential Page 194

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