exclusively to states with Republican governors. This one also go the “pants on fire” treatment from Politifact, for several reasons. Trump also used the show to restate the 250,000 refugee number, and the host pushed back. You know when Laura Ingraham is trying to get you to dial back the anti-immigrant rhetoric, you may be crossing a line.” [Fiscal Times, 11/24/15] TRUMP INSISTED HE WITNESSED PEOPLE CHEERING IN THE STREETS OF JERSEY CITY AS THE TWIN TOWERS FELL – BUT THERE’S NO EVIDENCE IT EVER HAPPENED Trump Said That On 9/11, He Watched “Thousands And Thousands” Of People Cheering In Jersey City As The World Trade Center Came Down. TRUMP: “Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.” [Campaign Rally, Trump For President, Birmingham AL, 11/21/15] On 9/11/01, The New Jersey Attorney General Ordered An Investigation Of Reports That Muslims Were Dancing In The Streets Of Jersey City And Paterson To Celebrate The Destruction Of The World Trade Center, And That Investigation Found Those Reports To Be Bogus. “How alarmed were New Jersey officials by reports of Muslims dancing in the streets of Jersey City and Paterson on Sept. 11, 2001, to celebrate the destruction of the World Trade Center? They feared riots would break out and were ready to send in the National Guard and the State Police to preserve order. But John J. Farmer Jr., then the New Jersey attorney general and the state’s chief law enforcement officer, said on Tuesday that he ordered an investigation that very day and found the reports to be bogus, [just] more wild stories born in the stricken hours after the attacks.” [New York Times, 11/24/15] Politifact Gave Donald Trump A “Pants On Fire” Rating For His Claim That Thousands In New Jersey Cheered When The World Trade Center Fell On September 11, 2001. “Trump said he ‘watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering’ as the World Trade Center collapsed. This defies basic logic. If thousands and thousands of people were celebrating the 9/11 attacks on American soil, many people beyond Trump would remember it. And in the 21st century, there would be video or visual evidence. Instead, all we found were a couple of news articles that described rumors of celebrations that were either debunked or unproven. Trump’s recollection of events in New Jersey in the hours after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks flies in the face of all the evidence we could find. We rate this statement Pants on Fire.” [Politifact, 11/22/15] Donald Trump Told A Reporter He Was Sure He Saw Thousands In The Streets Of Jersey City, New Jersey Celebrating The Destruction Of The World Trade Center Because He Had “The World’s Greatest Memory.” KATY TUR: “Now Donald Trump will be speaking here [in Columbus, Ohio] in just a few minutes. He called me late today to once again defend his claims [he saw thousands of people in the streets of Jersey City, New Jersey celebrating the destruction of the World Trade Center]. Telling me that although he doesn’t remember where exactly he saw that video, he does know that he saw it because he has, quote, ‘the world’s greatest memory.’” [NBC Nightly News, NBC, 11/23/15] Confidential Page 17

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