MR. 47 PERCENT OF THE 2016 CYCLE: TRUMP SAID HALF THE PEOPLE “DON’T PAY ANY TAX” AND AREN’T “CONTRIBUTING TO SOCIETY” Trump: “Half Of The People Don't Pay Any Tax … And Are Not Contributing To Society.” DOOCY: “When the president, Donald, talks about there has to be shared sacrifice, you know, there are a lot of people in this country, over half, don't even pay any federal taxes. So he's really talking about you. You're going to have to sacrifice more.” TRUMP: “Well, you know, I don't mind sacrificing for the country, to be honest with you, but you know, you do have is a problem because half of the people don't pay any tax. And when he's talking about that, he's talking about people that aren't also working, that are not contributing to this society, and it's a problem. But we have 50 percent -- it just hit the 50 percent mark. Fifty percent of the people are paying no tax.”[Fox & Friends, Fox News, 7/18/11] MINIMUM WAGE TRUMP OPPOSED RAISING THE FEDERAL MINIMUM WAGE Trump: “I Don’t Want To Raise The Minimum Wage.” “He wouldn’t go into specifics, but promised he would create jobs if elected president. ‘I don’t want to raise the minimum wage. I want to create jobs so people can get much more than that, so they can get five times what the minimum wage is,’ said Trump.” [The Hill, 7/23/15] Donald Trump Opposed Raising The Minimum Wage Because Wages Are “Too High. We’re Not Going To Be Able To Compete Against The World.” “The leading candidates for the GOP presidential nomination, arguing that they are best positioned to boost the nation’s economy, said Tuesday night that the problem is that entry-level wages are too high. Real estate tycoon Donald Trump and neurosurgeon Ben Carson used an opening question on the minimum wage to argue that high wages are a drag on job creation. ‘Taxes too high. Wages too high. We’re not going to be able to compete against the world. I hate to say it, but we have to leave it the way it is,’ Trump said.” [USA Today, 11/11/15] SNAP BENEFITS TRUMP CRACKED A JOKE ABOUT A FAT PROTESTER GETTING EXCITED OVER FOOD STAMPS Trump On A Protester: “I Mention Food Stamps And That Guy Who Is Seriously Overweight Went Crazy.” “A heckler was thrown out of a Donald Trump rally in Worcester, Mass., while Trump was speaking about food stamps. Trump responded, ‘I mention food stamps and that guy who is seriously overweight went crazy.’” [Washington Post, 11/18/15] “FREE STUFF” Donald Trump Said, During A Democratic Debate, Hillary Clinton And Bernie Sanders “Couldn’t Give Things Away Fast Enough.” “As Hillary and Bernie Sanders, Confidential Page 197

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