‘If I’m elected president,’ he announced, ‘we will make America great again.’ To begin with, ‘we have to repeal Obamacare,’ he said, adding that Obamacare’s biggest effects won’t begin until President Obama is safely out of office and, Trump says, on the golf course. That said, he also noted he owns several golf courses, and he invited President Obama to feel free to retire early and play them instead of finishing out his term.” [Breitbart, 1/16/15] Trump Called The Affordable Care Act A “Total Catastrophe.” “Trump presented himself as a conservative, ‘very conservative’ and as a Republican, but admitted that he is ‘very disappointed’ with Republican politicians. The crowd shared the sentiment and gave ‘The Donald’ a huge round of applause. Trump says the GOP has let the president ‘get away with absolute murder.’ He pointed to Obamacare as a ‘total catastrophe.’” [Breitbart, 1/24/15] Trump: “Obamacare Will Continue To Stop Entrepreneurship, Slow Growth And Halt Research & Development. Defund, Repeal & Replace!” [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 11/18/14] Donald Trump: “Obamacare’s Going To Be Repealed And Replaced,” And “I Am Going To Take Care Of Everybody” And “The Government’s Gonna Pay For It.” TRUMP: “‘Obamacare's going to be repealed and replaced. Obamacare is a disaster if you look at what's going on with premiums where they're up 45, 50, 55 percent. … Everybody's got to be covered. … I am going to take care of everybody. I don't care if it costs me votes or not. … [The uninsured are] going to be taken care of. … The government's gonna pay for it. But we're going to save so much money on the other side. But for the most it's going to be a private plan and people are going to be able to go out and negotiate great plans with lots of different competition with lots of competitors with great companies and they can have their doctors, they can have plans, they can have everything.’” [60 Minutes, CBS, 9/27/15] TRUMP CREDITED TED CRUZ’S EFFORTS TO TRY TO DEFUND THE ACA Huffington Post: “Trump Credited Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) For Leading Efforts To Defund The Affordable Care Act In 2013, Arguing That If Republicans ‘Had Stuck Together They Would Have Won That Battle.’” [Huffington Post, 8/4/15] TRUMP CLAIMED THE ACA WOULD JACK UP DEDUCTIBLES, REQUIRING SOMEONE TO BE “HIT BY A TRACTOR” TO GET COVERAGE Trump Said That ACA Would Cause Insurance Deductibles To Become So High That You Would Have To Be “Hit By A Tractor, Literally, A Tractor, To Use It.” “Nothing in Donald Trump's funhouse-mirror presidential campaign announcement Tuesday made sense…. On Obamacare: ‘Yesterday, it came out that costs are going for people up 29, 39, 49, and even 55 percent, and deductibles are through the roof. You have to be hit by a tractor, literally, a tractor, to use it, because the deductibles are so high, it's virtually useless. It's virtually useless. It is a disaster.’” [Washington Post, 6/19/15] Trump: “Obamacare Is A Disaster. Americans Will See Record Increases In Their Premiums And Inferior Care Services.” [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 5/1/13] Confidential Page 131

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