Donald Trump Had Univision News Anchor Jorge Ramos Ejected From His News Conference — “You Haven’t Been Called On, Go Back To Univision.” “Separately, Mr Trump had a journalist ejected from a news conference. Univision news anchor Jorge Ramos was trying to question Mr Trump about his call to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants from the US and build a wall the length of the Mexican border. But Mr Trump insisted that he had not been invited to submit a question. ‘You haven't been called, go back to Univision,’ Mr Trump said, before Mr Ramos was ejected from the news conference. As security officers approached the Mexican-American journalist, he said: ‘I am a reporter. Don't touch me. I have a right to ask the question.’” [BBC, 8/26/15] • After Ramos Was Removed From The Trump Press Conference, A Trump Supporter Yelled At Ramos To “Get Out Of My Country.” “Just when we thought there was no more controversy to add, Univision posted footage of Ramos out in the hall at which time an apparent Trump supporter —whether he’s a staffer or security personnel was unknown at the time of this writing— clearly tells the Mexican-born (and U.S. citizen, by the way) journalist to ‘Get out of my country’” [Latino Rebels, 8/26/15; Univision Noticias/Fusion, 8/25/15] Trump Has Repeatedly Offended Minorities With Demeaning Comments ON HISPANICS AND LATINOS Trump On Immigrants Crossing The Border From Mexico: “They Are Bringing Drugs And They Are Bringing Crime, They’re Rapists.” “When Mexico sends its people, they are not sending their best. They are not sending you. They are not sending you. They are sending people that have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems with us, they are bringing drugs and they are bringing crime, they’re rapists, and some are good people, and I speak to border guards and they tell us what we are getting. It only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people. It's coming all over south and Latin America and it's coming probably, probably from the Middle East, but we don't know because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don't know what is happening and it has got to stop and it has to stop fast.” [Donald Trump Presidential Campaign Announcement, 6/16/15] ON AFRICAN AMERICANS 1991: Trump: “Laziness Is A Trait In Blacks.” [Gawker, 7/24/15] 1991: Trump: “Black Guys Counting My Money! I Hate It. The Only Kind Of People I Want Counting My Money Are Short Guys That Wear Yarmulkes Every Day.’’ TRUMP: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.’’ [Gawker, 7/24/15] Trump On African American Youths: We Are At “A Point Where They’ve Just About Never Done More Poorly, There’s No Spirit, There’s Killings On An Hourly Basis, Virtually, In Places Like Baltimore And Chicago And Many Other Places.” “At a June 23 Maryland Republican Party fundraiser, reporters asked GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump about his views on race relations. Trump said Black youths are at ‘a point where they’ve just about never done more poorly, there’s no spirit, there’s killings on an hourly basis, virtually, in places like Baltimore and Chicago and many other places,’ according to The Independent. The real estate magnate didn’t stop there. He added, ‘I thought that President Confidential Page 26

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