IMMIGRATION IMMIGRATION PLAN OVERVIEW UNDER TRUMP’S PLAN, ALL UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS WOULD BE DEPORTED BUT THE “GOOD ONES” WOULD BE ELIGIBLE TO APPLY FOR EXPEDITED ENTRY WITH LEGAL STATUS Trump Said That He Would Secure The Border First, “Take The Bad Ones And Get Them The Hell Out” And After That Implement A “Merit System” To Decide Which Undocumented Immigrants Would Be Allowed To Stay. “His position on immigration -- which has been a huge part of his appeal among conservative voters nationally -- grew even more muddled Friday when he highlighted his support for a ‘merit-based system’ for the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. Though he did not explain the mechanics of the system in any detail, it sounded similar to the calls by some moderate Republicans for a path to citizenship for undocumented workers, which has been an anathema to hardline conservatives. On MSNBC's ‘Morning Joe’ on Friday, Trump insisted that he would secure the border first and ‘take the bad ones’ -- referring to undocumented immigrants -- ‘and get them the hell out.’ ‘We give them back to Mexico or we make sure they stay where they came from,’ Trump told the show's hosts, noting that he would ‘secure the border’ first. But, he added in regard to the millions of undocumented immigrants in this country, ‘I'm a very big believer in (the) merit system.’ ‘I have to tell you, some of these people have been here; they've done a good job; in some cases sadly they've been living under the shadows,’ Trump said in his telephone interview. ‘We have to do something, so whether it's merit, or whether it's whatever, but -- I'm a believer in the merit system. Somebody's been outstanding, we (ought to) try to work something out.’” [CNN, 7/24/15] • Trump’s Immigration Plan Is Estimated To Cost $166 Billion Including $141 Billion For The Mass Deportation The Plan Called For But Not The Massive Economic Hit His Plan Would Cause. “Donald Trump’s immigration plan is huge in every aspect — including its price tag. Think $166 billion. And that’s on the low end…. In January 2011, Kumar Kibble — then the deputy director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement — told lawmakers that it costs about $12,500 to deport one immigrant from the United States. Multiply that by 11.3 million — the size of the undocumented population in 2014, according to the Pew Research Center — and you get $141.3 billion…. The $166 billion price tag from POLITICO’s analysis tallied up the actual price tag for Trump’s plan. But those costs don’t even begin to calculate the hit to the economy Trump’s proposal would cause, pro-immigration experts say.” [Politico, 8/19/15] TRUMP’S PLAN CALLED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WALL ON THE U.S.- MEXICAN BORDER TO KEEP “RAPISTS” AND CRIMINALS” OUT Trump’s Immigration Plan Repeated His Claim To Build A Wall On The Southern U.S. Border. “Trump again repeated his commitment to build a wall on the United States' southern border. Outlining his plan, Trump's policy seeks to ‘impound all remittance payments derived from illegal wages; increase fees on all temporary visas issued to Mexican CEOs and diplomats (and if necessary cancel them); increase fees on all border crossing cards -- of which we issue about 1 million to Mexican nationals each year (a major source of visa overstays); increase fees on all NAFTA worker visas from Mexico (another major source of overstays); and increase Confidential Page 137

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