OUT OF TOUCH Trump’s policies clearly reflect his life as a 1-percenter. His plans would slash taxes for the rich and corporations while shifting more of the burden to the shoulders of working families. He stands with Republicans in opposing Wall Street reform and opposing the minimum wage. Trump clearly has no conception of the everyday lives of middle class Americans. His description of the “small” $1 million loan that his father gave him to launch his career is proof enough that his worldview is not grounded in reality. Hand-Outs For The Wealthy At The Expense Of The Middle Class. Trump’s policies put him and those like him ahead of hardworking American families. Like Bush and Rubio, Trump's tax plan would give the rich a tax cut by slashing top marginal rates, the corporate tax rate, and eliminating the estate tax. All told, Trump's tax plan will give the wealthiest 1% of Americans 34% of the benefit. He also stands with fellow Republican presidential candidates Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz in opposing Wall Street Reform, which was passed to help protect our economy from another Bush-like recession. Further, Trump opposes raising the federal minimum wage, which could lift millions of American families above the poverty line. Trump’s Tax Plan Would Save Him Millions Each Year. According to analyses of Donald Trump’s tax plan, his proposals would cost in the area of $12 trillion while saving him millions in personal taxes each year. The plan would represent the lowest tax rate since World War II – but would shift more of the tax burden onto middle class families while creating windfalls for Trump and his fellow 1-percenters. The plan would dramatically lower the tax rate for the top income earners in America, lower the capital gains rate, eliminate the estate tax, and cut the corporate tax rate to 15%. PERSONAL HISTORY Trump’s Ex-Wife Accused Him Of Rape. Ivana trump once accused the real-estate tycoon of “rape,” although she later clarified: not in the “criminal sense.”Not only does the current front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination have a history of controversial remarks about sexual assault, but as it turns out, his ex-wife Ivana Trump once used the word rape to describe an incident between them in 1989. She later said she felt “violated” by the experience.Ivana Trump’s assertion of rape came in a deposition in her early 1990s divorce case. The episode was described as a “violent assault.” → Trump’s Organization Responded By Claiming “You Can’t Rape Your Wife.” Michael Cohen, special counsel at The Trump Organization, defended Trump, saying, “You’re talking about the front-runner for the GOP, presidential candidate, as well as private individual who never raped anybody. And, of course, understand that by the very definition, you can’t rape your spouse…You cannot rape your spouse. And there’s very clear case law.” Of course, that is not true, but it is not surprising coming from the mouth of one of Donald’s yes men. TOP NARRATIVES BACKUP Trump Is Loyal Only To Himself OVER THE YEARS, TRUMP SWITCHED HIS PARTY AFFILIATION MULTIPLE TIMES Confidential Page 11

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