PHILOSOPHY ON LEADERSHIP, BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT LOVING BAD MARKETS AND “AMAZING” HOUSING MARKET COLLAPSES Trump: “I Always Made A Lot Of Money In Bad Markets. I Love Bad Markets.” TRUMP: “The real estate markets in 1990 crashed. I had billions and billions of dollars in debt. I had many friends that went bankrupt.” BLITZER: “You were going down?” TRUMP: “Well, I was, but I worked hard. And my company today is a much bigger, stronger company than it ever was in the 1980s or 1990s even. But I was in trouble if I didn't get really back on the stick and start working. The real estate markets crashed. Now, I don't want to blame the real estate markets, because I always made a lot of money in bad markets. I love bad markets. You can do very well in a bad market.”[Wolf Blitzer Reports, CNN, 3/19/04] Trump On The Recession: “This Is A Time For Smart People. This Is A Time For Entrepreneurial People. And This Is A Time For People Like Me.” TRUMP: “They're great times, as an entrepreneur. I don't think I've ever seen better times as an entrepreneur. But the world is a mess and the country is a mess… Well, I don't think I've ever seen a time where there's been this kind of play, where you have assets that you can buy for dollars. I've never seen a time like it, Larry.” KING: “So you -- this is the time for smart people to make money, is what you're saying?” TRUMP: “Well, this is a time for smart people. This is a time for entrepreneurial people. And this is a time for people like me.” [Larry King Live, CNN, 4/15/09] Trump On Housing Market Collapse: “It’s An Amazing Situation.” KING: “Real estate market, what's going on?” TRUMP: “It's an amazing situation. There are tremendous opportunities. You know what's interesting, I was begging people not to buy real estate two years ago. And everybody was interested in buying. And now they are less interested, and this is the time they should be going out -- not buying, negotiating to buy. This is the time.” [Larry King Live, CNN, 10/15/07] USE OF EMINENT DOMAIN Trump Wanted The Government To Bulldoze A Woman’s Ugly House So The Property Could Be Developed. JOHN STOSSEL: “Trump now says he wants Coking's house demolished because it's ugly.” TRUMP: “Everybody coming into Atlantic City sees that property, and it's not fair to Atlantic City and the people. They're staring at this terrible house instead of staring at beautiful fountains and beautiful other things that would be good.” GLENN ZEITZ, VERA COKING'S ATTORNEY: “You're looking at somebody who is supposedly the epitome of the free enterprise system. And the free enterprise system was based on the premise that you don't go out and sick the government on somebody's property.”[20/20, ABC News, 6/1/98] Daily Beast: Donald Trump Tried To Force An Elderly Atlantic City Widow Out Of Her Home So He Could Build A Parking Lot For Limousines. “Around the same time [early 1990s], Trump attempted to force elderly widow Vera Coking Confidential Page 75

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