TRUMP HAS ADVOCATED THE USE OF WATERBOARDING AND OTHER TORTURE METHODS HEADLINE: “Donald Trump On Waterboarding: ‘If It Doesn’t Work, They Deserve It Anyway.’” [Washington Post, 11/23/15] Donald Trump Said He Would “Absolutely” Bring Back Waterboarding As An Accepted Form Of Interrogation. “Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said Sunday he would allow U.S. interrogators to waterboard suspected terrorists in the wake of the recent attacks in Paris. ‘I would bring it back, yes,’ Trump said on ABC’s ‘This Week.’ … ‘I would bring it back,’ Trump said. ‘I think waterboarding is peanuts compared to what they’d do to us, what they’re doing to us, what they did to James Foley when they chopped off his head. That’s a whole different level, and I would absolutely bring back interrogation and strong interrogation.’” [Politico, 11/22/15] Donald Trump Said “You Bet Your Ass” He Would Approve Waterboarding In A Heartbeat, And “If It Doesn’t Work, They Deserve It Anyway For What They’re Doing.” “‘Would I approve waterboarding? You bet your ass I would — in a heartbeat,’ Trump said to loud cheers during a rally at a convention center here Monday night that attracted thousands. ‘And I would approve more than that. Don't kid yourself, folks. It works, okay? It works. Only a stupid person would say it doesn't work.’ … ‘It works,’ Trump said over and over again. ‘Believe me, it works. And you know what? If it doesn't work, they deserve it anyway, for what they're doing. It works.’” [Washington Post, 11/23/15] Donald Trump Said Osama Bin Laden Would Not Have Been Killed If U.S. Had Not Used Waterboarding, Despite A 2014 Senate Intelligence Committee Report’s Determinations To The Contrary. “Trump said bin Laden ultimately would not have been killed in 2011 if the United States did not use waterboarding, the controversial interrogation technique that the Obama administration considers torture and no longer uses. An exhaustive 2014 Senate Intelligence Committee report deemed that harsh interrogation measures like waterboarding do not work and did not produce breakthrough intelligence in the hunt for bin Laden, assertions that the CIA and former officers vehemently dispute. Trump has said he would resume waterboarding and approve even more aggressive techniques.” [Washington Post, 11/24/15] TRUMP’S PLAN FOR ISIS: “BOMB THE SH*T OUT OF THEM” Donald Trump Said He Knew “More About ISIS Than The Generals Do,” And That He Would “Bomb The Shit Out Of Them.” “‘I know more about ISIS than the generals do,’ Trump said. ‘Believe me.’ Trump said he would go after the oil fields in Iraq and Syria that he says nets the terrorist group ‘millions of dollars a week.’ ‘I would bomb the s--- out of them,’ he said to raucous applause. ‘I would just bomb those suckers. And that's right: I'd blow up the pipes, I'd blow up the refineries. I would blow up every single inch. There would be nothing left.’” [Washington Post, 11/13/15; Donald Trump Campaign Rally, Fort Dodge Iowa, 11/12/15] Trump Supported Putting 10,000 Ground Troops In Syria To Defeat ISIS. SCARBOROUGH: “Right. But you need ground troops to do that?” TRUMP: “Yes, you'll need some ground troops. Yeah. You'll need ground troops.” SCARBOROUGH: “What do you think? Confidential Page 38

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