Trump: Doesn’t Matter What Media Say About You “As Long As You’ve Got A Young And Beautiful Piece Of Ass.” In 1991, Trump told Esquire, "You know, it doesn't really matter what (the media) write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass.” [Des Moines Register, 9/13/15] Trump On His Daughter: “She Does Have A Very Nice Figure .  .  . If [She] Weren’t My Daughter, Perhaps I’d Be Dating Her.” “She was replaced by Trump’s eldest daughter, Ivanka, of whom Trump once said, ‘She does have a very nice figure .  .  . if [she] weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.’” [Anna Holmes, Washington Post, 4/30/11] ON THE “HUNT” FOR WOMEN Trump: “I Think The Hunt Is Always Fun, Whether It's Deals, Whether It's Women, Whether It's Anything.” WALTERS: “I want to clear something up. In your book, the new book, you say, ‘The fun is in the getting, not the having.’ Does that include women? No kidding.” TRUMP: “Interesting question. I think the hunt is always fun, whether it's deals, whether it's women, whether it's anything. I think, however, that with respect to women, there would be nothing that would make me happier than having a great marriage. An absolutely great marriage, and that would certainly supersede the hunt.”[20/20, ABC News, 8/17/90] Trump On Not Having A First Lady: “We Could Have One In 24 Hours” If Necessary. KING: “We will not have a first lady. Who will be? I'm thinking ahead. Who's in charge of social affairs?” TRUMP: “Well, we could have one in 24 hours. We actually -- it would be very interesting.” KING: “There's a line out there?” TRUMP: “But we could have one quickly.” KING: “Are you telling us something?” TRUMP: “No, not all. But I'm saying, if there was a, you know, prerequisite, 24 hours, it's done.” [Larry King Live, CNN, 10/7/99] ON A WIFE’S ROLE IN THE HOME Trump: “I Don't Want To Sound Too Much Like A Chauvinist, But When I Come Home And Dinner's Not Ready, I'll Go Through The Roof.”NANCY COLLINS: “Well, you now are married to a woman, and you- who would like to continue her career. Marla says she does want to have a career….You have said you don't want Marla to work.”… TRUMP: “I think I'm probably mixed. I have days where I think it's great and then I have days where if I come home and- you know, I don't want to sound too much like a chauvinist, but when I come home and dinner's not ready, I'll go through the roof, okay?”[Primetime Live, ABC News, 3/10/94] Trump: Men Need “Support At Home…Not Someone Who Is Always Griping and Bitching. "Often, I will tell friends whose wives are constantly nagging them about this or that that they're better off leaving and cutting their losses. I'm not a great believer in always trying to work things out, because it just doesn't happen that way. For a man to be successful he needs support at home, just like my father had from my mother, not someone who is always griping and bitching." [Des Moines Register, 9/13/15] ON THE INTELLIGENCE OF WOMEN AND “GETTING AHEAD” Trump: It Is Rare That Women Are Both “Very Beautiful” And Have High IQs. ZAHN: “Let's go back to the women for a moment. Because ‘TIME’ magazine calls them, either Confidential Page 46

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