the subsidies are an example of government interference in the free market. ‘With the ethanol, really, he's got to come a long way, 'cause right now he's for the oil,’ Trump said at the beginning of his remarks, unprompted. But then he gave him an out: ‘But I understand it, oil pays him a lot of money. He's got to be for oil, right?’ ‘But I'm with you,’ he added. ‘I'm self-funding. I have no oil company. I have no special interest.’” [CNN, 12/11/15; Donald Trump Campaign Rally, Des Moines, Iowa, 12/11/15] CAMPAIGN FINANCE AND ETHICS Trump: “Nobody Knows More About Campaign Finance That I Do, Because I'm The Biggest Contributor.” KING: “How about campaign-finance reform?” TRUMP: “I think nobody knows more about campaign finance that I do, because I'm the biggest contributor.” KING: “OK, but what about reform? Does it need reform? You're the Reform Party?” TRUMP: “Well, it's a very complex -- you know what? It's a very complex thing. As an example, I'm allowed to give $1,000 to every senator, right?” [Larry King Live, CNN, 10/7/99] Trump Opposed Campaign Contribution Limits But Supported Disclosure Requirements. TRUMP: “Well, it's a very complex -- you know what? It's a very complex thing. As an example, I'm allowed to give $1,000 to every senator, right?... Do you know how little that is, and this was 20 years ago, $1000. Now, I love it, because, you know, I'm capped out at a $1,000 per senator and they all love me for it. You know, I give them $1,000, it's great.” KING: “But you can reform where you have soft money, hard money, PAC money.” TRUMP: “Well, no, you have other ways. But the one thing I feel strongly about -- you know, I have heard Bradley and others talking about the government should pay for the elections, and I totally disagree. If you like a candidate, you should be able to contribute to that candidate. Now, they should let it be known that you're contributing, but you should be able to contribute and help that candidate. Otherwise, you're taking away the whole American system.” [Larry King Live, CNN, 10/7/99] CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM BODY CAMERAS TRUMP SAID THAT POLICE BODY CAMERAS “CAN SOLVE A LOT OF PROBLEMS” AND DESERVE FEDERAL FUNDING Donald Trump Said Police Body Cameras “Can Solve A Lot Of Problems,” And That The Federal Government Should Help Cities That Want Police Body Cameras But Lack Funding. “In an exclusive interview with the Guardian, the Republican presidential frontrunner [Donald Trump] said ‘there could be’ federal funding directed to those local law enforcement agencies that wanted to buy the cameras and could not afford the technology without financial aid. ‘Some of these departments have plenty of money, and some of them don’t. And if they like the idea of the cameras, they need federal funding,’ Trump told the Guardian on Monday. ‘It can solve a lot of problems for police. It can also solve a lot of problems – period.’ However, Trump did not support making the officer-worn video cameras mandatory across the Confidential Page 78

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