Trump On Undocumented Immigrants: “Half Of Them Are Criminals.” “And television personality Donald Trump criticized Bush for saying last year that some illegal immigrants come to the United States as an ‘act of love’ to provide for their families. ‘Remember,’ Trump said, in a gross mischaracterization of undocumented immigrants, ‘half of them are criminals.’” [Yahoo News, 1/24/15] • Trump Hit Bush For Claiming Undocumented Immigrants Came To The U.S. As An Act Of Love. “Republican front-runner Donald Trump gave some backhanded praise to his primary opponent, Jeb Bush, for traveling to the border, criticizing his past remarks on immigration and for being ‘low energy.’ ‘I think it's great he's going to the border, I think he'll ... find out it's not an act of love,’ Trump told ‘Fox and Friends’ on Monday morning. ‘I was down on the border. It's rough, tough, stuff. This is not love, it's other things going on.’” [CNN, 8/24/15] Trump: “We Must Stop The Crime And Killing Machine That Is Illegal Immigration. Rampant Problems Will Only Get Worse. Take Back Our Country!” [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 8/10/15] Trump Claimed That “Public Reports Routinely State Great Amounts Of Crime Are Being Committed By Illegal Immigrants.” “As of today, Donald J. Trump is no longer affiliated with NBC. Mr. Trump stands by his statements on illegal immigration, which are accurate. NBC is weak, and like everybody else is trying to be politically correct--- that is why our country is in serious trouble. Mr. Trump says, ‘We must have strong borders and not let illegal immigrants enter the United States. As has been stated continuously in the press, people are pouring across our borders unabated. Public reports routinely state great amounts of crime are being committed by illegal immigrants. This must be stopped and it must be stopped now. Long ago I told NBC that I would not being doing The Apprentice because I am running for President in order to Make our Country Great Again.’ Mr. Trump continued, ‘If NBC is so weak and so foolish to not understand the serious illegal immigration problem in the United States, coupled with the horrendous and unfair trade deals we are making with Mexico, then their contract violating closure of Miss Universe/Miss USA will be determined in court. Furthermore, they will stand behind lying Brian Williams, but won’t stand behind people that tell it like it is, as unpleasant as that may be.’” [Politico, 6/29/15] TRUMP REFUSED TO USE THE TERM “UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANT” Trump: “They Like To Use The Word Undocumented Because It's More Political -- I Don't Use That Word. They're Illegal Immigrants. They Came Over Illegally.” “‘You know, this country is so politically correct. Nobody wants to take a stance on anything,’ Trump told Cuomo. ‘Now they like to use the word undocumented because it's more political -- I don't use that word. They're illegal immigrants. They came over illegally. Some are wonderful people, and they've been here for a while. They've got to go out. They've got to leave.’” [CNN, 8/19/15] BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP TRUMP BELIEVED THE 14TH AMENDMENT SHOULD NOT APPLY TO THE CHILDREN OF UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS th Trump Claimed That The 14 Amendment Did Not Apply To The Children Of Illegal Immigrants. “Donald Trump said Tuesday that he doesn't think people born in the Confidential Page 142

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