HOTELS Trump’s Line Of Luxury Hotels May Have Been The Victim Of A Credit Card Data Breach. “Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s line of luxury hotels may be the latest victim of a credit card data breach, security news journalist Brian Krebs reported on Wednesday. Banks have spotted a trend of fraudulent charges tied to credit and debit cards that have all been used at Trump hotels, according to Krebs. Trump Hotel Collection has not yet confirmed the breach, but financial industry sources told Krebs ‘they have little doubt’ a breach has occurred. There is speculation that the compromise spans back to at least February of this year. ‘Like virtually every other company these days, we have been alerted to potential suspicious credit card activity and are in the midst of a thorough investigation to determine whether it involves any of our properties,’ Eric Trump, executive vice president of development and acquisitions at the Trump Organization, said in a statement. ‘We are committed to safeguarding all guests’ personal information.’ The hack could put tens of thousands of people’s payment card data at risk. Trump has hotel properties in a number of U.S. cities, including Chicago, Honolulu, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, New York and Washington, D.C.” [The Hill, 7/1/15] TRUMP UNIVERSITY Trump University Charged $35,000 For Seminars And Was Sued By Some Of Its Students. ISIKOFF: “Then there's Trump University--no actual campus or degrees--but students, some of whom are now suing, plunked down up to $35,000 for seminars.” TRUMP: “Ninety-seven percent approval rating from the people that went there.” ISIKOFF: “But last year New York state regulators demanded Trump stop calling it a university, and he did. And the Texas attorney general's office opened an investigation into possible deceptive trade practices, which was dropped after the school stopped doing business in the state. Why did you call it a university?” TRUMP: “Because we didn't know there was any rules or regulations about using the name university.”[Nightly News, NBC, 4/19/11] DEVELOPMENT AND LAND DEALS TRUMP BRAGGED HE HAD DEALT WITH QADDAFI AND “SCREWED” HIM IN A LAND DEAL Trump Bragged That He “Screwed” Qaddafi On A Land Lease In New Jersey. TRUMP: “I've been interacting with leaders of countries and leaders of business all over the world, all of my life. And I think you guys know that probably better than anybody. I think I probably have more experience than anybody, whether I sell them real estate for tremendous amounts of money -- I mean, I've dealt with everybody…. I dealt with Qaddafi.” DOOCY: “You buried the lead. What did you do?” TRUMP: “Excuse me. I rented him a piece of land. He paid me more for one night than the land was worth but the whole year, for two years, and then I didn't let him use the land. That's what we should be doing.” DOOCY: “Was that over in New Jersey?” TRUMP: “I don't want to use the word screw but I screwed him. That's what we should be doing. I rented him a piece of land in Bedford, New York. I rented him a piece of land…. He paid me a fortune and then I didn't let him use the land.”[Fox & Friends, Fox News, 3/21/11] Confidential Page 68

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