AND HAS CALLED FOR ALCOHOL TO BE REGULATED LIKE A DRUG Trump Said That Alcohol “Should Be Listed As A Drug, Obviously.” KING: “How about allowing the Food and Drug Administration to control it, which the Supreme Court is going to listen to? Would you list it as a drug?” TRUMP: “It wouldn't -- well, it should be listed as a drug, obviously. I mean, when I have friends that are the toughest, smartest people you'll ever meet and they can't stop smoking, they start shaking if you tell them they can't have a cigarette. And I've had them in the house, I said, do me a favor, don't smoke in my house, and you see these tough guys start to shake like babies. I've never seen anything like it. So, it's a terrible drug, and it ultimately destroys your lungs and destroys your insides, and there's no question about it. I don't -- it's inconceivable why people start smoking, but they do?”[Larry King Live, CNN, 10/7/99] • Trump Said That He Would Like Alcohol Companies To Get Sued. TRUMP: “Well, I'd come down, but I'd also come down tough on alcohol. I don't know why everyone's suing tobacco, which is terrible, and I love that they're suing and I love that they're paying a big price, but why aren't they suing the alcohol companies, because alcohol -- I mean, I lost a brother to alcohol. I've never had a drink in my life because of the fact that I had a brother that had a problem with alcohol….I don't drink for that reason….They're taxed. I'd like to see them sued. You know what I don't - - I hope a lot of lawyers are watching tonight. Why is it that everybody is suing the tobacco companies and nobody sues the alcohol companies. I mean, you have the car crashes and the kids that get killed by some drunk that's, you know, riding on the road. It's just terrible. So, I would like to see something happen with alcohol.”[Larry King Live, CNN, 10/7/99] TREASURY TRUMP SAID HE WOULD APPOINT CARL ICAHN AS HIS TREASURY SECRETARY Donald Trump Said He Would Nominate Carl Icahn, Known As A ‘Corporate Raider’ In The 1980s, For Treasury Secretary.“ Now [Carl] Icahn is once again in the spotlight, as his longtime business contact, friend and rival Donald Trump, the front-running Republican candidate, says he will nominate Icahn for treasury secretary…. Icahn, who has not responded to requests for comment, made his name as a corporate ‘raider’ in the 1980s. He was among a group of activist investors who engaged in a practice called ‘greenmailing’ -- a portmanteau of ‘greenback’ and ‘blackmailing,’ in which investors would buy up a company's stock and threaten a hostile takeover. The company would be forced to buy its stock back at a premium to stop the takeover, enriching the investors.” [Washington Post, 9/29/15] • Carl Icahn “Greenmailed” Companies By Threatening A Hostile Takeover And Forcing The Company To Buy Back His Stock At A Premium. “He [Carl Icahn] was among a group of activist investors who engaged in a practice called ‘greenmailing’ -- a portmanteau of ‘greenback’ and ‘blackmailing,’ in which investors would buy up a company's stock and threaten a hostile takeover. The company would be forced to buy its stock back at a premium to stop the takeover, enriching the investors.” [Washington Post, 9/29/15] • 1985: Carl Icahn Lead The Hostile Takeover Of TWA, Sold Off Its Top Assets, Regained His Investment, And Saddled The Company With Debt Before It Went Bankrupt Seven Years Later. “Supporters have long seen Icahn as a force for market efficiency, willing to shake up complacent CEOs and demand that companies invest their cash in more profitable ways. But others paint him as a predator who strips companies of their most profitable assets and employees of their jobs. The reputation is due in part to his notoriety as the leader of now-defunct airline TWA. In 1985, he carried out a hostile takeover of TWA and pledged to make the troubled airline profitable. But over the next Confidential Page 110

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