should be able to, because it's going to be lot safer. Look at what's going on. We're going into these gun-free areas. How about the school few months ago? Gun-free school, gun-free area, and you look at what happened. It was a disgrace. If people had guns, how about the -- how about the soldiers that were killed, six soldiers killed, champion marksmen on a military base? They're not allowed to carry their guns.” [Face The Nation, CBS, 12/6/15] Repeal Without A Plan On Health Care TRUMP HAS CALLED FOR THE REPEAL OF THE “CATASTROPHE” KNOWN AS THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT…. Trump Called The Affordable Care Act A “Total Catastrophe.” “Trump presented himself as a conservative, ‘very conservative’ and as a Republican, but admitted that he is ‘very disappointed’ with Republican politicians. The crowd shared the sentiment and gave ‘The Donald’ a huge round of applause. Trump says the GOP has let the president ‘get away with absolute murder.’ He pointed to Obamacare as a ‘total catastrophe.’” [Breitbart, 1/24/15] …YET HE HAS FAILED TO OFFER ANY SPECIFICS ABOUT WHAT HE WOULD REPLACE IT WITH In “Crippled America,” Donald Trump Laid Out His Plan To Replace The Affordable Care Act: I’ll Hire Smart People And They’ll Come Up With Something. “My approach is completely different. I approach complicated problems such as how to provide health care for most Americans at a price we can afford the same way I solve the toughest business problems. We should hire the most knowledgeable people in the world on this subject and lock them in a room—and not unlock the door until they’ve agreed on the steps we need to take. A lot of times when I speak, people say I don’t provide specific policies that some pollster has determined are what people want to hear. I know that’s not the way the professional politicians do it—they seem to poll and focus-group every word. But there’s nobody like me.” [Trump, Crippled America, 70, 11/3/15] • Donald Trump: “Obamacare’s Going To Be Repealed And Replaced,” And “I Am Going To Take Care Of Everybody” And “The Government’s Gonna Pay For It.” TRUMP: “‘Obamacare's going to be repealed and replaced. Obamacare is a disaster if you look at what's going on with premiums where they're up 45, 50, 55 percent. … Everybody's got to be covered. … I am going to take care of everybody. I don't care if it costs me votes or not. … [The uninsured are] going to be taken care of. … The government's gonna pay for it. But we're going to save so much money on the other side. But for the most it's going to be a private plan and people are going to be able to go out and negotiate great plans with lots of different competition with lots of competitors with great companies and they can have their doctors, they can have plans, they can have everything.’” [60 Minutes, CBS, 9/27/15] Donald Trump Said He Would Repeal The Affordable Care Act And Replace It With “Something Terrific.” “Trump once supported the liberal plan to create a national, single-payer health care system similar to the one in Canada, a position he explained in his 2000 book ‘The America We Deserve.’ But as a Republican presidential candidate, Trump's plan is now simpler: Repeal Obamacare. And then? ‘Replace with something terrific,’ Trump said, explaining that the ‘terrific’ would be handled by private companies competing in the private market. But Trump suggested an alternative system for lower-income individuals -- describing what, in the broad strokes, appears to sound similar to Medicaid.” [CNN, 7/30/15] Confidential Page 41

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