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happened is the government really has stuffed the banks with money. … The banks have taken all of this money -- billions and billions. They don't loan 10 cents. But the fact is because of that and some other moves, I don't believe you'll have a depression, but it could get a little bit worse before it gets better. [Larry King Live, CNN, 3/17/09] TRUMP BLAMED REGULAR CONSUMERS FOR THE FINANCIAL CRISIS Trump: Regular Consumers Who Bought Houses With Unaffordable Mortgages Share The Blame For The 2008 Financial Crisis. LARRY KING: “Donald Trump is with us, the chairman and president of the Trump Organization. Who do we blame for this, Donald?” DONALD TRUMP: Well, there's a lot of greed on Wall Street. And a lot of people are making crazy deals and you can blame everybody, even the regular consumer that went out and bought a house and got a mortgage that was ridiculous. You know, we call them exploding mortgages. But you can really blame a lot of people. And I guess you can maybe just blame the times.”[Larry King Live, CNN, 9/17/08] IN 2011, TRUMP THOUGHT THE U.S. ECONOMY MIGHT SINK INTO A SECOND RECESSION In September 2011, Trump Predicted There Was A 50% Chance Of A Second Recession. TRUMP: “Well, I think that we could have -- I don’t think a meltdown, but I think we could have really another recession and it could be a fairly deep recession. Nobody really knows. It looks like it is 50/50. I think it is just sort of going along a straight line right now.”[Your World With Neil Cavuto, Fox Business, 9/26/11] IN 1990, TRUMP THOUGHT THE U.S. WAS IN A DEPRESSION Trump In August 1990: “We’re Not In A Recession. We’re In A Depression.” TRUMP: “The deal I worked out is in the process. The deal I worked out is something that I think is good for everybody. The economy is down the tubes. Nobody knows how bad the economy is. I listen to the people on Wall Street, talking about the possibility of a recession. We're not in a recession. We're in a depression. Now, when you're in a depression, you have to sort of go with the punches. You have to go see your banks, you have to deal with people, you have to work things out. And there are a lot of people- unfortunately, I'm the only one people write about. I mean, they don't write about other people.” [20/20, ABC News, 8/17/90] WALL STREET REFORM TRUMP OPPOSED LAWS REFORMING WALL STREET Trump Opposed Wall Street Reform And Claimed The Reforms Created “A Very Bad Situation.” TRUMP: “Well, I have to speak two ways. Selfishly, as a developer, I love cheap money, and I have always loved cheap money, and who wouldn't. Now, I'm not speaking as somebody that is a great citizen of this country -- and I hope I am and I love this country very dearly -- but as a developer, I love cheap money. They're giving me cheap money. They -- I will say this, that the only people that get money are people like me that don't need it. If I don't -- if I want to make a deal on buying something, I get very, very inexpensive money. If somebody Confidential Page 101

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