TRUMP CITED DISCREDITED AND APPARENTLY NONEXISTENT POLLING TO SUPPORT HIS CALL TO BAN MUSLIMS Donald Trump Cited Data From The “Respected” Center For Security Policy, A Group That Believes There Is A Secret Global Campaign Against Western Civilization, And Said “They Want To Change Your Religion.” “Trump then cited data from the Center for Security Policy — a group that believes there is a secret global campaign against Western civilization and that the candidate described as ‘respected’ — saying, ‘25 percent of those polled agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global jihad.’ That statistic was greeted with loud boos from Trump’s supporters. ‘They want to change your religion,’ said Trump. ‘I don’t think so. I don’t think so. Not going to happen.’” [Politico, 12/7/15] The President Of The Southern Poverty Law Center Said The “Center For Security Policy,” Which Donald Trump Cited In His Call To Ban All Muslims From Entering The United States, Was “An Extremist Think Tank.” “The CSP has been criticized across the political spectrum - by high-profile Republicans as well as Democrats - and by organizations which monitor extremist groups. Terri Johnson, executive director of the Center for New Community and J Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, called it ‘an extremist think-tank’ led by an ‘anti-Muslim conspiracist’. The group was heavily criticized in 2012 after it repeatedly accused Huma Abedin, an aide to Hillary Clinton, of being a secret member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Leading Republicans including John McCain and John Boehner denounced the accusations. [BBC, 12/8/15] Donald Trump Cited A Poll From The Pew Research Center To Support His Call To Ban All Muslims From Entering The U.S. But Did Not Identify Which Pew Report He Was Citing And Pew Was Unable To Identify Which Report He Had Referenced. “Trump’s other citation has drawn more notice because it came from the Pew Research Center, a highly-respected, nonpartisan group. ‘According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population,’ Trump said Monday. But Trump hasn’t made clear which Pew report he’s citing; he has not linked to one in his social media missives or statements, nor did he elaborate during multiple TV appearances Tuesday morning. And the group’s research doesn’t paint the dire picture Trump says it does. … ‘The statement released by Mr. Trump’s campaign does not specify a data point, so we can’t identify the report that he may be referencing,’ said James Bell, Pew’s vice president for global strategy.” [Time, 12/8/15] TRUMP’S PROPOSAL WAS WIDELY CONDEMNED BY FELLOW REPUBLICANS, ONE OF WHOM LIKENED IT TO NAZISM… People: “No More Mr. Nice John Kasich. The Republican Presidential Hopeful's Campaign Has Released An Anti-Donald Trump Web Ad That Draws On A Famous Poem About Nazi Germany To Attack The GOP Front-Runner.” [People, 11/28/15] Vietnam Combat Veteran And POW: You Might Not Care About What Donald Trump Says About Muslims, Hispanic Immigrants, Black Protesters, Or Journalists, “Because You’re Not One. But [If Trump] Actually Becomes President, He Might Just Get Around To You, And You Better Hope That There’s Someone Confidential Page 20
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