United States?” TRUMP: “The fact is they asked me the question. I said I want to see his birth certificate. It's very simple. Somebody asked today can I see your birth certificate. I had it in my hands in less than an hour. People that are born in this country have birth certificates. So I wanted to see his birth certificate. I mentioned that on ‘The View’ … Whoopi said if that were a white man you wouldn't be asking that question. I said what does this have to do with race? It has absolutely nothing to do with race.” [On The Record With Greta Van Susteren, Fox News, 3/28/11] Trump Said That Obama “Spent Millions Of Dollars On Lawyers Trying To Get Out Of” The Birth Certificate Issue. VAN SUSTEREN: “Why aren't you satisfied he was born in the United States?” …TRUMP: “The fact is if you look at what has happened, with respect to this birth certificate issue, he doesn't have it. He spent millions of dollars on lawyers trying to get out of the issue. They get what is called a certificate of live birth which doesn't have a signature on it and anybody can get a certificate of live birth. It has nothing to do with a birth certificate. And they are really reeling.”[On The Record With Greta Van Susteren, Fox News, 3/28/11] IMPEACHMENT 12/2/15: Donald Trump Said He Would Not Back Impeachment Hearings For President Obama Because Doing So Would Make Obama A “Martyr” And Because There Was Not Enough Time, With Obama Only In Office For Another Year. “Donald Trump wouldn’t back impeachment hearings for President Barack Obama, saying such a move would only make Obama a ‘martyr.’ … ‘The best thing that we have going with Obama is that he’s got a year left,’ Trump said, adding that wasn’t enough time to go through impeachment hearings. ‘So don’t make him a martyr?’ Jones asked. ‘In a way you’ll make him a martyr,’ Trump said, but then pivoted away. ‘But I don't even say that,’ he continued. ‘I'm the most disappointed in Republicans.’” [Politico, 12/2/15] PRESS CORPS. Trump: “The Press Are Liars. They're Terrible People.” “‘The press are liars. They're terrible people … Not all of them, but many of them.’ Trump also bragged that he knows how to get past the media: ‘I have millions of people on Facebook and Twitter,’ which he likened to ‘owning the New York Times without the losses.’” [New York Magazine, 6/12/15] ENDORSEMENTS David Duke Supported Trump For President. “Donald Trump's presidential campaign has a new supporter: former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke. Duke, a self-described ‘racial realist’ and notorious white nationalist, praised Trump during a wide-ranging tirade on his radio program, calling the surging real estate mogul a ‘good salesman’ and ‘the best of the lot’ of the large group of 2016 Republican presidential candidates.” [New York Daily News, 8/25/15] Donald Trump Was Endorsed By Rev. James David Manning, Known As “The Harlem Hate Pastor” Who Has Proclaimed “Obama Has Released The Homo Confidential Page 208

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