Government should help business in this country. This country isn't able to compete fairly with Japan and Korea and so many other countries. You look at West Germany. I mean, West Germany is making mincemeat out of this country and wait till you see what happens in the years to come. And I'm not saying that in a derogatory sense. I say it with great respect for these countries, because they're doing the right thing. For themselves, they're doing the right thing.”[Larry King Live, CNN, 11/19/91] TRUMP SUPPORTED THE AUTO BAILOUT IN 2008, THEN LATER SAID IT DIDN’T MATTER EITHER WAY Trump In 2008: The “Government Should Stand Behind [The Auto Industry] 100 Percent.” “That answer, not ideal in Michigan, actually contrasted one of Trump's prior stances. ‘I think the government should stand behind them 100 percent,’ Trump told to Fox News’ Neil Cavuto in 2008. ‘You cannot lose the auto companies. They’re great. They make wonderful products.’” [Washington Post, 8/11/15] Trump In 2015: “You Would Have Wound Up In The Same Place”Whether Or Not The U.S. Stepped In To Bail Out The Auto Industry. “Trump's glancing interest in local politics made it into in a pre-speech press conference. Asked if President Obama showed leadership in the 2008/2009 bailout of the major auto companies, Trump meandered through an answer that left him without a position. ‘You could have let it go, and rebuilt itself, through the free enterprise system,’ said Trump. ‘You could have let it go bankrupt, frankly, and rebuilt itself, and a lot of people felt it should happen. Or you could have done it the way it went. I could have done it either way. Either way would have been acceptable. I think you would have wound up in the same place.’” [Washington Post, 8/11/15; Donald Trump press conference, Birch Run MI, 8/11/15] DEBT CEILING TRUMP OPPOSED RAISING THE DEBT CEILING AND BELIEVED THE DEADLINE FOR HITTING IT WAS “ARTIFICIAL” Trump: “What Do Economists Know? Most Of Them Are Not Very Smart… I Would Not Raise The Debt Ceiling.” GUTHRIE: “The debt ceiling vote. Republicans are saying they don’t think the debt ceiling should be raised. Businesses have warned there could be dire consequences.” TRUMP: “I don’t care. I wouldn’t raise it.” GUTHRIE: “And you know most economists say that would send the U.S. economy back into recession.” TRUMP: “What do economists know? Most of them are not very smart, and if you look at their predictions over the last 20 years, most of them are wrong most of the time. I would not raise the debt ceiling. I’ll tell you why.”[MSNBC, 4/19/11] • Trump Said He Would Not Raise The Debt Ceiling: “I’d Force Them To The Fire.” VAN SUSTEREN: “What's your position on the debt ceiling?” TRUMP: “Well, unless they come up with some really good ideas and come up with them fast, I wouldn't do it. I'd force them to the fire. I'd make sure that they come out and straighten out this mess that we have because our country is a financial mess. And unless you're going to straighten it out, and you have to do it quickly -- because we're going to end up being like some of the worst countries in Europe.”[On The Record With Greta Van Susteren, Fox News, 4/11/11] Confidential Page 104

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