they just couldn’t give things away fast enough. I watched Hillary last night with, “We’re going to give this, we’re going to give that, we’re going to give that.” The poor woman, she’s got to give everything away ’cause this maniac that was standing on her right is giving everything away. So, she’s following. That’s what’s happening…’Cause you got to win. Cause she’s not doing so well.” [Donald Trump Campaign Rally, Richmond, VA, 10/14/15] VETERANS Trump On Sen. McCain: “He’s Not A War Hero. He’s A War Hero Because He Was Captured. I Like People Who Weren’t Captured.” “Mr. Trump upended a Republican presidential forum here, and the race more broadly, by saying of the Arizona senator and former prisoner of war: ‘He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.’ Mr. McCain, a naval aviator, was shot down during the Vietnam War and held prisoner for more than five years in Hanoi, refusing early release even after being repeatedly beaten.” [New York Times, 7/19/15] Politifact Virginia Assessed A “Mostly False” Rating To Donald Trump’s Claim That “Over 300,000 Veterans Have Died Waiting For Care," From The Department Of Veterans Administration. “‘Over 300,000 veterans have died waiting for care,’ Trump said in a Norfolk speech in which he promised to overhaul the VA. Trump offered the most dire possible interpretation of a scathing report on VA record-keeping and went well beyond what the inspector general was able to conclude. The report found that 307,173 dead people were listed last year on a VA database as having pending status with the agency. But shabby records make a detailed dissection of that number impossible. Investigators said that some of those people were not veterans; not all of them were seeking health care or necessarily any VA service; and some of them died before 1998, when the database began. No doubt, the VA is ripe for criticism. But Trump’s statement takes liberty with the facts, and we rate it Mostly False.” [Politifact Virginia, 11/9/15] PLAN FOR THE VA DONALD TRUMP WOULD ALLOW VA-ELIGIBLE VETERANS TO RECEIVE HEALTH CARE FROM ANY FACILITY THAT ACCEPTS MEDICARE Donald Trump Said He Would Allow Veterans To Get Care From Private Doctors. “Trump told Landen as president, he would allow veterans to get health care locally by private doctors.” [CNN, 10/27/15] Donald Trump Released A Plan For Improving The Department Of Veterans Affairs Would Allow Veterans To Receive Treatment From Any Facility That Accepts Medicare.” “Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump released a plan on Saturday aimed at overhauling the Department of Veterans Affairs and improving veterans’ health care and employment services. Under Trump’s plan, eligible veterans would be able to bring their veterans’ identification cards to any private doctor or facility that accepts Medicare and be able to receive immediate treatment. The change, he said, would help improve wait times and services by adding competition.” [Washington Post, 10/31/15] Confidential Page 198

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