would reappoint him?” TRUMP: “I would reappointment him, I think he's a terrific guy. A lot of that is confidence. You and me have confidence in Greenspan. People had confidence in Volcker, in all fairness. I mean, a lot of that position is confidence. When he speaks, you have confidence. He knows what he's doing.”[Larry King Live, CNN, 10/7/99] FEDERAL BUDGET TRUMP PROPOSED TO ELIMINATE THE DEBT BY IMPOSING A TARIFF ON CHINA Trump: “You Don’t Have To Raise Taxes” To Reduce The Deficit. KILMEADE: “Donald, as you know, Donald Trump, they recommended to the deficit commission a rise in taxes as well as all these cuts. Will you be open -- would you be open if you were a Republican, you're in the House, in the Senate or in the White House, to raising taxes?” TRUMP: Well, the only thing they're not talking about is what other countries are doing. And you know my big thing is what other countries, many other countries -- I use China as the primary example because they're a major abuser. But what they're doing to us in terms of jobs. They're taking our money, but they're also taking our jobs. And I think if you straighten that situation out, you don't have to raise taxes.” [Fox & Friends, Fox News, 4/4/11] Trump: If You Impose A 50% Tariff, You Could Pay Off The Debt “In A Short Period Of Time.” TRUMP: “Neil, we have all the power, because if we ever say we’re going to tax you 50 percent for all of the things that you sell to this country, you could pay off your treasury bills in a short period of time. And, by the way, guess what would happen? People would start making things in North Carolina and Alabama and Illinois and lots of other places where they’re all unemployed. So, we have the power. And the day that happens, the Chinese stop working and we put our people to work. It’s crazy. I mean, between OPEC and China, this country can never be great again, because OPEC just keeps lifting the price of oil as we get better. And then, ultimately -- because I have a theory that OPEC really caused a lot of the problem that we had a year-and-a-half ago, because the oil price went to $150. And when that was up at $150, that’s when you had -- and not enough people giving credit for the oil price causing the problem. You know, they talk about mortgage. They say -- and I’m not not blaming those other things, but a big factor was our blood. And the blood was oil.”[Your World With Neil Cavuto, Fox News, 4/8/10] TRUMP’S SOLUTION FOR REDUCING THE DEBT: BILL CHINA FOR STEALING TRADE SECRETS Trump On The Reducing The Debt: Send China A Bill For Stolen Trade Secrets. VAN SUSTEREN: But if we -- if we -- but if we do just say, OK, we're taking off our debt the cost of what you just took from us in Pakistan, I mean, since the debt isn't -- I mean, since we're not paying them off soon, I mean, do they -- do they even really care if we do that because there's so much money.” TRUMP: “Well, I wouldn't start that way. I'd just send them a bill for the value of the secrets that they've stolen. Now, of course, they're stealing them from Boeing and from General Electric and from everybody else also. If you look at what they forced General Electric to do or if you look at what they're trying to do with Boeing, it's very, very sad that the companies are succumbing to it.” [On The Record, Fox News, 8/17/11] Confidential Page 108

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