dollars, and somebody else is making a hundred, and he’s paying ten dollars and I’m paying — to me, I don’t know. I like somewhat of a graduation. What you have now is a system that’s too complicated. The easiest thing to do is make that system uncomplicated, and make it really good, make it really good. And you know, as far as the IRS, people say ‘Let’s get rid of the IRS,’ somebody’s got to collect the money.’ Regarding simplifying the tax code, also stated, ‘The word is simplification. We can simplify. We can get rid of deductions.’” [Breitbart, 8/12/15; Hannity, Fox, 8/12/15] Donald Trump Wanted To Abolish Various Unspecified Tax Deductions And Credits. “Donald Trump is expected to release a tax plan in the next few weeks. … He has said he would abolish various tax deductions and credits. This would be a part of his effort to simplify the tax code so he can, as he put it in August, ‘put H&R Block out of business, knock them out, put them out of business.’ Mr. Trump hasn’t said which deductions and credits he would eliminate, which isn’t unusual for a Republican candidate for president. Mr. Romney’s 2012 tax plan emphasized extensive-but-unspecified base broadening through the elimination of deductions and credits, and Jeb Bush said in May he would take a similar approach, in each case as a way to pay for reductions in tax rates.” [New York Times, Upshot blog, 9/2/15] 1991: TRUMP CALLED FOR SHORTENING DEPRECIATION SCHEDULES TO ENCOURAGE INVESTMENT IN CONSTRUCTION Trump Advocated Shortening Depreciation Schedules To Incentivize Investment. TRUMP: “I would put the construction industry back to work because when the construction by creating tremendous incentives for construction, for building.” KING: “Give me an example. Saying, all right--” TRUMP: “All right, shortening up depreciation schedules, creating great depreciations so that you can sell it. If a dentist is making $ 300,000 a year drilling people's teeth and he wants to invest because he doesn't want to pay so much tax, and he wants to invest in low-income housing, that's a great asset to the country. That's not a liability. People didn't understand that, but that's not a liability. He should be allowed to invest to build moderate- income housing - even to build luxury housing because the man that moves into that luxury apartment is buying radios and hi-fi's and television sets and all of this other stuff. So there should be incentive in that industry. It affects every other industry.” [Larry King Live, CNN, 11/19/91] • In 1991, Trump Complained That Tax Laws Gave No Incentive To Build Or Invest. KING: “They were going to - and now they're not going to - cut the credit card rates. They were going to do it by edict on bank credit cards….banks went in an uproar because, apparently, that's where they make the most profit….What are your thoughts on that idea?” TRUMP: “I don't think it's going to have an effect one way on the country. I think the biggest effect is what I've already discussed. I mean, that's what you have to do. You have to put incentive back into this country. There's no incentive for people to do things. There's no incentive to build. There's no incentive to create. And again, we're like the Soviet Union, there's no incentive to do anything any more.” [Larry King Live, CNN, 11/19/91] FLAT TAX AND FAIR TAX Confidential Page 171

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