Pope Francis, who will visit the United States for a historic trip this week and has made addressing global warming one of his pet issues. ’I would actually talk to him about it to see if he's serious.’" [CNN,http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/21/politics/donald-trump-pope-francis- religion-climate-change/index.html9/21/15; On The Record, Fox News, 9/21/15;https://toolbox.dnc.org/?tool_name=vantage%20uploader&path=van tageuploader.dnc.org/shared_show?jwt=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJI UzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE0NDkwMDc0MjIsImVtYWlsIjoicGV0ZXJzb25rQG RuYy5vcmciLCJpZCI6NjM3MjYsImRvd25sb2FkYWJsZSI6dHJ1ZX0.mdjQj kKJrjVkWsrl4lq4mlrVKYxmFr2CCFm29UEf7nA&start=00:11:13VIDEO] September 2015: Trump Criticized President Obama’s Concern Over ClimateChange And Claimed, “You Can’t Get Hurt By Extreme Weather.” “‘One of the things that so bothers me,’ Trump said in front of 20,000 people in Dallas, Texas, is that ‘Obama thinks the single biggest threat in the world today is global warming. Can you believe it?’ ‘Then they changed it to climate change because the word global warming wasn’t working.’ ‘Then they changed it to extreme weather — you can’t get hurt with extreme weather,’ Trump added. ‘There’s a tornado, there’s a little cold, there’s a wind — it’s always extreme.’ ‘He says the biggest threat we have is extreme weather, and I say in terms of global warming the biggest threat we have is nuclear global warming because we have incompetent politicians,’ Trump continued, referring to the Iran deal that’s unpopular among GOP politicians and voters.” [The Daily Caller,http://dailycaller.com/2015/09/16/trump-mocks-obamas-fear-of- extreme-weather-video/9/16/15; Rally, Dallas, TX, 9/14/15;https://toolbox.dnc.org/?tool_name=vantage%20uploader&path=van tageuploader.dnc.org/shared_show?jwt=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJI UzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE0NDkwMDg2MzAsImVtYWlsIjoicGV0ZXJzb25rQG RuYy5vcmciLCJpZCI6NjEyOTAsImRvd25sb2FkYWJsZSI6dHJ1ZX0.YVU6 Kn- 2wAzqh5khIWumabjYOvQBImH0NpL37VPfhVg&start=01:03:13VIDEO] Trump Said President Obama’s Comment That Climate Change Was One Of The Greatest Threats To The U.S. Was One Of The “Dumbest Statements I’ve Ever Heard In Politics. “Donald Trump said Monday that President Barack Obama's comments that climate change poses one of the greatest threats to the U.S. is one of the ‘dumbest things’ ever said. … ‘I think one of the dumbest statements I've ever heard in politics -- in the history of politics as I know it, which is pretty good, was Obama's statement that our No. 1 problem is global warming,’ Trump said Monday on MSNBC's ‘Morning Joe.’ The mogul cited the threat of terror and attacks on the U.S. as more concerning. ‘I think it's one of the dumbest things I've ever seen, or perhaps most naïve,’ Trump said. ‘He actually is somewhat naïve, if you want to know the truth, beyond the incompetent part.’” [CNN,http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/30/politics/donald-trump-obama- climate-change-dumbest-thing/index.html11/30/15; Morning Joe, MSNBC, Confidential Page 228

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